Identified Casualties
Visiting Information
Wheelchair access to this cemetery with some difficulty. For further information regarding wheelchair access, please contact our Enquiries Section on 01628 507200
Local Information
Quaedypre is a village 12 kilometres south-east of Dunkerque and 4 kilometres south-south-east of Bergues, a town on the Dunkerque-Hazebrouck road. The Military Cemetery is almost due south of Bergues and east of Croix-Rouge about 500 metres from the roundabout on the Dunkerque-Hazebrouck road and 200 metres north of the road to Hondschoote.
Historical Information
The 44th Casualty Clearing Station was posted at Bergues from May to October, 1918. The Military Cemetery was made in June-September, 1918. In 1935 six soldiers belonging to the United Kingdom, were moved into the cemetery from HERZEELE CHURCHYARD. There are now nearly 90, 1914-18 and a small number of 1939-45 war casualties commemorated in this site. The cemetery covers an area of 371 square metres and is enclosed (except on the road side) by a low stone rubble wall.