Identified Casualties
Visiting Information
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Local Information
Hangard is a village 5 kilometres south of Villers-Bretonneux. Hangard Communal Cemetery is a little east of the village on the north side of the road to Demuin and the Extension is on the west side of the Communal Cemetery.
Historical Information
At the end of March 1918, Hangard was at the junction of the French and Commonwealth forces defending Amiens. From 4 to 25 April, the village and Hangard Wood were the scene of incessant fighting, in which the line was held and the 18th Division were particularly heavily engaged. On 8 August, the village was cleared by the 1st and 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles. The original extension to the communal cemetery was made by the Canadian Corps in August 1918. It consisted of 51 graves in the present Plot I. It was greatly increased after the Armistice when graves were brought in, mainly from the battlefields of Hangard and Hangard Wood and from the following smaller cemeteries :- ANDECHY GERMAN CEMETERY, on the West side of Andechy village, contained one Irish soldier. BEAUFORT-EN-SANTERRE GERMAN CEMETERY (now removed), from which one Scottish soldier was brought. BELLOY-EN-SANTERRE COMMUNAL CEMETERY GERMAN EXTN. (now removed), contained one soldier from the United Kingdom and one from Australia. FONTAINE-LES-CAPPY CHURCHYARD EXTN. (now removed), which was used for the burial of 22 soldiers from the United Kingdom in 1915. GENTELLES FRENCH MILITARY CEMETERY, CACHY (now removed), on the road between the two villages. It contains the graves of over 200 French soldiers and 48 from the United Kingdom, who fell in April, 1918. HANGARD MILITARY CEMETERY, a French extension (now removed) on the East side of the Communal Cemetery, containing, in addition to French graves, those of 38 soldiers from the United Kingdom, 18 from Canada, and 12 from Australia, who fell in April and August, 1918. HANGEST GERMAN CEMETERY (now removed), opposite Hangest Communal Cemetery, contained the grave of one soldier from the United Kingdom. HARBONNIERES GERMAN CEMETERY (now removed), at the East end of the village, from which were brought the graves of six soldiers from the United Kingdom and one from Australia. HERLEVILLE GERMAN CEMETERY (now removed), from which were brought the graves of two soldiers from the United Kingdom. LE QUESNEL CHATEAU CEMETERY (now removed), in the wood on the South side of the village, contained one British grave. SAULCHOY-SUR-DAVENESCOURT COMMUNAL CEMETERY GERMAN EXTN. (now removed), containing the graves of two R.A.F. officers. SOURDON FRENCH MILITARY CEMETERY (now removed), between Sourdon and Chirmont, containing the graves of 250 French soldiers and one Canadian Airman. WIENCOURT-L'EQUIPEE GERMAN CEMETERY (now removed), at the East end of the village, containing the grave of one soldier from the United Kingdom. The extension now contains 563 Commonwealth burials and commemorations of the First World War. 294 of the burials are unidentified but there are special memorials to eight casualties known to be buried among them. Other special memorials commemorate nine casualties buried in Fontaine-les-Cappy Churchyard Extension and Gentelles French Military Cemetery, whose graves could not be found on concentration. Certain graves in Plots II, III, and IV, identified collectively but not individually, are marked by headstones inscribed with the words "Believed to be buried near this spot.".