Craven Community Projects Group is looking forward to welcoming the Khaki Chums to our Living History Day on Saturday 31 March 2007 at Grassington Town Hall.
The chums will be representing the East Yorkshire Regiment and The Leeds Pals
The founders of the Khaki Chums, Taff Gillingham and Kev Smith, are both collectors of Uniforms and Equipment and, in keeping with many others of the ‘anorak’ variety, would often bemoan the lack of accurate military detail in film, television or theatre productions.
Rather than keep complaining they have decided to use their knowledge to offer a service to those Directors, Producers, Costume Designers, Art Directors and other interested parties who want to get the details right.
It rarely costs any more to make a piece historically accurate than it does to make it painfully inaccurate! They offer a full service of Historical Advice, Training, Uniforms, Equipment, Specialist Extras and Locations – including probably the finest purpose-built Great War Trench System in the UK.
Their knowledge and expertise is often in demand and Taff has been interviewed on many programmes such as World War One in Colour, The Christmas Truce, Blue Peter, Richard and Judy, Channel 5’s Gallipoli, Time Flyers and was flown to Washington DC for an interview about the Christmas Truce for the History Channel in the USA. He is also often a guest on Radio 5 Live, BBC Radio Suffolk and BBC Radio Wales.
For further information visit www.khakidevil.co.uk
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