02 March 1917
KIRKBRIDE – February 22nd, 1917, as the result of wounds received in action, Pte. Alexander Kirkbride, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirkbride, Faw Heads, Gayle, Hawes, aged 21 years.
02 March 1917
The little village of Gayle, near Hawes, has now been touched by the devastating cruel hand of war, and one of its sons has been called to yield his life in his country’s cause. On Tuesday morning the 20th Mr. and Mrs. Kirkbride, Faw Heads, Gayle, received a wire to the effect that their youngest son, Pte. Alexander Kirkbride, had been dangerously wounded. This communication was followed on Thursday by another conveying the sad news that the young soldier had died from wounds. Pte. Kirkbride, who was 21 years of age, joined the Colours in March last year, and went to France the following June. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkbride have had both their sons in the Army, the elder being home on leave when news of his brother’s death arrived. Much sympathy is felt for the parents in their sad bereavement.
18 May 1917
A memorial service for all the local men who have fallen in the War since October was held in St. Margaret’s Church on Sunday afternoon. There was a large congregation and the service was conducted by the Rev. S.D. Crawford. The soldiers to whose memory honour was paid were:– Corporal S. Moore; Private C.E. Bacon; Private J.W. Horn; Private A. Kirkbride; Private J. Iveson; Private J. Mitton; Private R. Walton; Private J. Fawcett; Private L. Staveley.
The choir and clergy were preceded to the chancel from the choir vestry by one of the choristers, Master Kenneth Wilson, in Boy Scouts’ uniform, carrying the Union Jack draped in black. The service opened with the hymn ‘Days and Moments,’ followed by Psalm xxiii, and the lesson from Rev. xxi, verses 1 – 5. Then was sung the hymn ‘Nearer my God to Thee.’ Sentences and collects from the Burial Service, with other special collects, were followed by the singing of the ‘Nunc Dimittis’ and the hymn ‘On the Resurrection Morning.’
The Vicar said: “For the second time we meet to mourn the loss of our fellow townsmen in this terrible and sad war. Your presence here is not only to pay honour to their memory, but is a proof of your sympathy with their sorrowing relatives. No words can lighten that sorrow I know, but I pray – and I am sure you all pray – that time, the great healer of all wounds, may do its work, and that in the years to come their sorrow may be lightened by the thought that their dear ones died the noblest of all deaths – that of the soldier who falls in a righteous cause and for King and Country – aye, and more than that, for civilisation and liberty. I have been asked in more houses than one, “Why should all this fighting and bloodshed be going on between professedly Christian countries?” and I think the only answer that can be given is that it has been forced upon the rest of the world by a country which has substituted for the laws of Christianity the laws of the devil. When a nation goes so far as to brush aside treaties hitherto held sacred among the nations as mere scraps of paper, when it breaks not only the laws of humanity, drawn up to alleviate the horrors of war – laws to which itself had given assent, and gives as its only excuse, the laws of necessity, and when it tries to force upon other nations the ‘Kultur’ which has produced this spirit of ruthlessness and contempt for all that is just and noble and chivalrous, then I say, the danger to civilisation is so great that no Christian country should stand by and take no part in wiping it out. The fact that nearly the whole of the New World, following in the steps of the U.S.A., are either openly at war, or have broken off relations with our enemy, is a strong proof that our cause is just, for it is a condemnation, the greatest condemnation, of their conduct and action. So long as the spirit of militarism, which governs a powerful nation like Germany, lasts, and is allowed to exist so long there will be danger of fresh and repeated wars. We and our Allies are out to put an end to this; we are out to bring about a time when war shall be no more, and peaceful arbitration shall take its place. Is not that worth fighting for? It is a noble object, and those dear lads we mourn to-day, with thousands of others who have made the great sacrifice with them, have not sacrificed their lives in vain, for they have helped to bring about that victory which, God grant, will be the prelude of universal peace.”
After the address and whilst Mr. Haverfield played the Dead March, the chorister before mentioned stood at ‘Attention’ at the chancel steps holding the Union Jack.
The sounding of the ‘Last Post’ by Mr. J. Blades brought a most impressive service to a close.
15 February 1918
KIRKBRIDE – In loving remembrance of a dear friend, Gunner A. Kirkbride, R.F.A., youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirkbride, Faw Head Farm, Gayle, Hawes, killed in action February 16th, 1917.
From a loving friend – I. Iveson.
KIRKBRIDE – In loving remembrance of Gunner A. Kirkbride, R.F.A., younger son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirkbride, Faw Head Farm, Gayle, Hawes, killed in action February 16th, 1917.
Ever remembered by a dear friend – Bell Iveson.
14 February 1919
KIRKBRIDE – In loving remembrance of Gunner Alexander Kirkbride (Sam) of ‘Faw Head,’ Gayle, who died of wounds, February 15th, 1917.
“And the hopes that were lost in life’s journey – we shall find in the City of Rest.”
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