Main CPGW Record
Surname: SUPPLE
Forename(s): Edward James Collis
Place of Birth: Dundalk (Parish), Co. Louth, Ireland
Service No: ---
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment / Corps / Service: Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment)
Battalion / Unit: 'A' Coy 1/6th Battalion
Division: 49th (West Riding) Division
Age: 33
Date of Death: 1915-08-22
Awards: ---
CWGC Grave / Memorial Reference: III. O. 3.
CWGC Memorial: ---
Non-CWGC Burial: ---
Local War Memorial: SKIPTON, YORKSHIRE
Additional Information:
Edward James Collis Supple was the son of Edward Kerry and Elizabeth Barbara Supple, née Atkinson. Edward, senior, was born at Rattoo, Kerry, Ireland and Elizabeth at Shinrone, King's County, Ireland.
1901 Hampstead, London Census: 18, Buckland Crescent - Edward J.C. Supple, aged 19 years, born Ireland. [Edward was boarding with Douglas H. and Jane Marshall.]
1911 Skipton, Yorkshire Census: Grammar School: Edward James Collis Supple, aged 29 years, born in the Parish of Dundalk, Co. Louth.
British Army WW1 Medal Rolls Index Cards: Lt E.J.C. Supple, 1/6th West Riding Regiment. Theatre of War first served in: 1 - France. Date of entry therein: 14 April 1915. Correspondence: H.G. Supple esq (Brother), Govenors House, His Majesty's Prison, Nottingham.
Edward is in the photograph of officers in CPGW book (page 44).
Edward is commemorated on the Harrogate War Memorial.
A short biography of Edward is included in: ‘A Grammar School at War – The Story of Ermysted’s Grammar School during the Great War’ by Steven Howarth (2007).
See also: ‘Guiseley Terriers: A Small Part in The Great War – A History of the 1/6th Battalion, Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding) Regiment’ by Stephen Barber (2018).
Data Source: Craven’s Part in the Great War - original CPGW book entry
View Entry in CPGW BookEntry in West Yorkshire Pioneer Illustrated War Record:
SUPPLE, Lieut. E.J.C., 6th Duke of Wellington’s, assistant master at Skipton Grammar School, died from wounds received on Aug. 26, 1915.
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Lieutenant Edward James Collis SUPPLE

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment)

Divisional Sign / Service Insignia: 49th (West Riding) Division
Data from Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 - 1919 Records
Soldiers Died Data for Soldier Records
Surname: SUPPLE
Forename(s): Edward James Collis
Rank: Lt
Regiment: Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment)
Battalion: 6th Battalion (Territorial)
Died Date: 22/08/15
Died How: Died of wounds
Theatre of War:
Data from Commonwealth War Graves Commission Records
CWGC Data for Soldier Records
Surname: SUPPLE
Forename(s): Edward James Collis
Country of Service: United Kingdom
Service Number:
Rank: Lieutenant
Regiment: Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment)
Unit: 1st/6th Bn.
Age: 33
Died Date: 22/08/1915
Additional Information: Son of Edward Kerry Supple, of Greystones, Co. Wicklow, Ireland.
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England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966
SUPPLE Edward James Collis of Governor’s House Camp-hill Prison Carisbrooke Isle of Wight died 22 August 1915 at 14 General Hospital Wimereux France Administration (with Will limited) London 29 April to Henry Guy Supple governor H.M. Prison Service. Effects £1500 19s. 5d.
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Lieutenant Edward James Collis Supple
Kindly supplied by Robert Smith, Keighley

Officers of the 1/6th Bn Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) in 1915
Back row, left to right: –, –, –, Lieut. E.J.C. Supple, –, – Second row, left to right: –, –, –, –, Lieut. A.E.K. Slingsby, Lieut. H. Knowles, – Third row, left to right: –, –, –, –, –, –, – Front row, left to right: –, Lieut. C.H. Petty?, –
Courtesy of Roger Bancroft

Lieutenant Edward James Collis Supple’s 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal
Courtesy of Robert Smith, Keighley
View Craven Herald Articles
View Craven Herald Articles

11 December 1914
The following were gazetted last week:– 6th Battalion the Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment:– Lieutenant C. H. Sarsby to be captain temporarily; Second-Lieutenant H. Knowles to be lieutenant temporarily; Supernumerary Lieutenant W. A. Mackenzie is absorbed into the establishment; Second Lieutenant E. J. C. Supple to be lieutenant temporarily.
21 May 1915
Lieut. E.J.C. Supple, a former assistant master at the Skipton Grammar School, writes to say that he distributed a consignment of cigarettes forwarded by the Editor of the “Craven Herald,” and “subscribed for by some good souls at home. The men received them with ‘open arms,’ so to speak, and asked me to convey their thanks to those who subscribed for them. At present they receive a weekly ration of tobacco and cigarettes, which works out about 20 per week, but anything extra will always be acceptable.”
04 June 1915
News was received yesterday (Thursday) morning that Pte. Fred Wm. Cartman, of the 6th Duke of Wellington's West Riding regiment, whose parents reside in Thornton Street, Skipton, had been wounded in the chest and was in hospital.
The news was contained in a letter, dated May 31st from Pte. Cartman’s Platoon officer – Lieut. E. J. C. Supple – which stated:– “It is my painful duty to have to inform you that your son, of my platoon, was wounded 20 minutes ago, i.e., 12-30 p.m. The bullet struck him on the right side of his chest and came out near his right arm-pit. He was out with a party and another officer at the time, working under good cover whilst attending to a pump. To make the work easier, but unfortunately not safe, he stood up and exposed himself. Stretcher-bearers got to him at once and took him direct to the doctor, whose report I am anxiously reading. He will be sent to the hospital in course of time, so I shall lose touch with him, but I will be greatly obliged if you will let me know how he is going on. I most sincerely trust he will have a speedy recovery.” A non-commissioned officer also wrote informing the parents of the occurrence.
Pte. Cartman comes of a well-known family of local sportsmen. His father, Mr. Ed. Cartman was for many years a prominent Skipton Rugby player, and the unfortunate young fellow himself has for some seasons been identified with Skipton Cricket Club as a member of the First and Second Elevens. Prior to the War he was employed as a warpdresser by Messrs. Stephenson, of the Broughton Road Shed, and was in the Reserve Battalion shortly after the outbreak of war. He was subsequently transferred to the First 6th Battalion and went to the front with them. Pte. Cartman was well-known and very popular locally and news of his mishap has been received with general regret.
23 July 1915
LOCAL NEWS – Skipton Officers in Hospital
We learn from an unofficial source that Lieutenants E.J.C. Supple and R.C. Barrett, of the First 6th Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment, are in hospital. Lieut. Supple is suffering from a sprained ankle, and Lieut. Barrett has had an attack of influenza.
13 August 1915
One of the latest sacrifices that a Skipton household has been called to make has been brought to light by the sad news of the death of Pte. Norman Smith, son of Mr. John Smith, of 20, Greenfield Street, Skipton. An intimation of the young man's death was received by his parents at the end of last week. It stated:–
“My dear Mrs. Smith, – It is my painful duty to inform you that your son Norman was killed this morning by one of the enemy.
“Death was instantaneous, so the poor fellow had no suffering. At times like these, mere words fail to convey sympathy. I, and my platoon, feel for you in your hour of grief. We realise that we have lost a trusty comrade – a man who always did his duty – a fine type of British manhood. He has been laid to rest quite near Horace Marshall. Poor lad, his troubles are over, and yours is the burden.
“Believe me, in deepest sympathy, E. J. C. Supple.”
Enlisting in October 1914, the deceased soldier joined the ranks of the 6th Battalion Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment, and it was while he was fighting with that regiment that he gave his life. Pte Smith was but 26 years of age, and was single. His last letter was received on Friday, July 30th. The late soldier was a journeyman tailor employed by Mr. G. Leathley, of Otley Street, Skipton.
Two other brothers are also in the service of the country. One of them, Private John Wm. Lawson, of the 5th West Yorkshire Regiment, is a prisoner of war at Hostrup, in Germany. The other, Private Norris Gilbert Smith, is attached to the Royal Engineers at Borden, Hants. He is expecting to go to the Front shortly.
27 August 1915
SUPPLE – Died of wounds received in action, August 22nd, Edward James Collis Supple, Lieut., 6th Battalion Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, youngest son of Edward Kerry Supple, late Royal Irish Constabulary, and formerly a master at Ermysted’s Grammar School, Skipton.
27 August 1915
Official news has been received to the effect that Lieut. E. J. C. Supple of the 6th Battalion Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, youngest son of Mr. E. K. Supple, late of the Royal Irish Constabulary, and formerly a master at Skipton Grammar School, has died of wounds received in action.
Lieut. Supple's connection with Skipton dates back to 1909 when he became master of the Preparatory Form and Athletics at Ermysted’s School under the headmastership of Mr. J. A. Shawyer. He joined the 6th Battalion in March 1909 as a private, and took a keen interest in the signalling section. In 1911 he was promoted Lance-Corporal and subsequently left the town for Lewes, though he went to camp with his Battalion in 1912, taking his discharge in 1913. Prior to outbreak of war he obtained a commission and rejoined his old regiment. Lieut. Supple has proved as popular with the men as he was with the boys at School, and his death will be much regretted in the Battalion and by a large circle of friends in civil life. Lieut. Supple was a keen sportsman, and for some seasons played half-back with the well-known London Irish Rugby team. At Skipton he occasionally played cricket with the Second Eleven, and once took the whole of the ten wickets against Keighley Hollins at Sandylands, being presented with the ball, suitably inscribed, in commemoration of the feat.
We understand that Lieut. Supple was admitted to Winbereux [Wimereux] General Hospital on Sunday last, suffering from severe gunshot wounds through both thighs, and died in the early afternoon.
27 August 1915
News was received on Friday morning to the effect that Pte. F. Thornton, of the 6th Battalion Duke of Wellington’s, son of Mr. T. Thornton, joiner and builder, Otley Street, Skipton, had been wounded in the abdomen and arm.
The first intimation was received in a letter from a comrade of Pte. Thornton who helped to carry him to the motor ambulance. The writer said the incident occurred about dinnertime on the 17th August, and that the wounds were inflicted by shrapnel.
The sad intelligence was subsequently confirmed by a letter from Lieut. Supple, written from the Reserve Trenches and dated August 17th, and who has since been killed in action as recorded elsewhere in this issue. It stated:– “I deeply regret to inform you that your son, Pte. F. Thornton, No 4 Platoon, ‘A’ Company 1st 6th Battalion Duke of Wellington’s, was wounded in two places to-day by shrapnel in the arm and abdomen. Everything possible is being done for him. Will let you know further details as soon as possible.”
Prior to the war, Pte. Thornton was engaged in the teaching profession, being on the staff at the Otley Street National Schools, Skipton. He was one of a ‘pals’ company which enlisted in a body last September and went to the front with the Battalion last April. He is an old Ermysted Grammar School boy, and well known in local football circles, having been a playing member of both the Skipton and Skipton Old Boys teams.
In a letter received subsequently a friend of Pte. Thornton, who serves in the same platoon, describes how the injuries were sustained. He says it was about one o’clock when the first shell came over the canal, and when it burst a piece of it struck Pte. Thornton on the left arm. They went to a dug out and the stretcher-bearers were bandaging the injured limb when another shell came and Pte. Thornton was hit a second time - in the abdomen. The writer of the letter describes it as “beastly rotten luck.”
04 August 1916
At their day of all days did they think with pride and love of those who – some of those so recently in their midst playing their games, sharing their work, living their life, learning their ideals – had carried these ideals on to the field of battle to fight for King and Country as once they fought for their school. It was impossible to give them a full list of all old boys who had joined the Colours, but they owed it to the memory of these heroes of the Skipton Grammar School who had so willingly given their lives to the Empire to do public honour and reverence to their names.
The following old boys and masters had died on active service:–
Lieut. C. W. Brown, Sergt. J. Cockerill, Second-Lieut. H. Colley, Major M. T. Cookson, Lieut. H. Knowles, Second-Lieut. J. C. McIntyre, Lieut. E.J.C. Supple, Pte. F. Thornton, Second-Lieut. Ian Wilson
Let their example, and the example of all their sons who had so freely responded to their country’s call, be the dominant thought in this their day of thanksgiving. God give them grace to keep the tradition that they had made for them.
04 July 1919
6th Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, formerly a master at Ermysted School, Skipton, died from wounds received in action in France August 22nd, 1915. Keen sportsman and formerly played half-back with the well-known London Irish Rugby team.
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View West Yorkshire Pioneer Articles

25 June 1915
The following is a report sent by a Lance-Corporal in the Settle Territorials, who is at the Front:–
A cricket match of considerable interest was played between teams of ‘A’ and ‘C’ Companies of the 6th Duke of Wellington’s Regiment on Thursday evening, 17th instant. The ground situate between two burnt down farm houses, not far behind the firing line, was in a rough condition, dotted here and there with shell holes, and during the progress of the game, shells were bursting not far away on both right and left. The game was keenly followed by men of the companies concerned, with aeroplanes hovering over and around an old game in a new setting. The lads from Settle and Guiseley proved far too strong for the Skiptonians, as will be seen from the scores etc., below, Morphet and Claughton both bowled in fine style, and the men of ‘A’ Company put a very feeble show.
‘C’ Company
Lance-Corpl. J.M. Morphet b Burgess – 12
Pte. H. Claughton c E. Smith b Drummond – 2
Pte. H.M. Claughton c Petty b J. Smith – 20
Pte. Patterson b Lambert – 22
Pte. Chas. Parker c Lieut. Supple b Lambert – 7
Lieut. Whitaker lbw b Lambert – 3
Lieut. Geldard b Lambert – 3
Pte. F. Close lbw b Lieut. Supple – 0
Pte. J. Cardus not out – 11
Lance-Corpl. Denison b Lambert – 1
Pte. C. Peachy b Lambert – 0
Lance-Corpl. Arthur Parker b Lambert – 0
Extras – 16
Total – 97
‘A’ Company
Pte. Burgess c Peachy b Morphet – 4
Pte. Rimmer c Lieut. Whitaker b H.M. Claughton – 0
Pte. Drummond c Denison b Morphet – 0
Lance- Corpl. Ireland c Patterson b Morphet – 1
Pte. Petty c and b H.M. Claughton – 8
Pte. Kaye b H.M. Claughton – 0
Pte. J. Smith b H.M. Claughton – 5
Pte. Walton c A. Parker (wicket keeper) b Morphet – 0
Lieut. E.J.C. Supple c Lieut. Geldard b Claughton – 0
Pte. N. Smith b Morphet – 3
Pte. E. Smith b Morphet – 0
Lance-Corpl. Lambert not out – 0
Extras – 1
Total – 22
In connection with the above event Mr. T. Brayshaw, J.P., drew up and caused to be posted in Settle the following announcement:
On Friday, June 18th (Military Duties, Germans, and weather permitting), it is intended to have a grand Cricket Match,
in a field at Fleurbaix (N.W. France), the teams being selected from the men of the above two towns now on active service with the 1st 6th Batt. Duke of Wellington’s Regiment.
In order to promote the comfort of the spectators the locality will be carefully cleared of all German snipers beforehand, and visitors will be allowed to carry away fragments of any German shells that may fall on the Cricket Field during the progress of the game.
N.B. – There are still one or two vacancies ‘at the front,’ in case any unmarried young men from Settle wish to join the above teams.
13 August 1915
This week it is our painful duty to record the death of yet another Skipton man who has given his life in the service of the country, the patriot being Private Norman Smith, of the 6th Battalion (Duke of Wellington’s) West Riding Regiment.
Private Smith’s home was at 20, Greenfield Terrace, Broughton Road, Skipton, where he resided with his parents until October of last year, when he joined the local battalion. He was 26 years of age, and a single young man, and up to the time of enlistment was employed by Mr. Leathley, tailor, of Otley Street, with whom he had been employed for about two years. Prior to this he was in the service of Mr. H. Watson, tailor and outfitter, of Caroline Square. Perhaps he was best known in the vicinity of Skipton as a footballer, of which he was no mean exponent whilst with the Niffany Rovers team, being a tall, finely built young fellow. His early demise will be lamented by the many to whom he was known both as a sportsman and friend.
On enlistment he proceeded into training with the aforementioned battalion, and in April last went out with it to the Front. The sad news of his death was conveyed to his parents by Lieut. E.J.C. Supple, who is in charge of the 4th platoon of ‘A’ Company, who wrote as follows to deceased’s parents:–
“It is a very painful duty to have to inform you that your son, Norman, was killed this morning (August 5th) by one of the enemy’s bombs. Death was instantaneous, so the poor fellow had no suffering. At times like these mere words fail to convey the sympathy I and my platoon feel for you in your hour of grief. We realise we have lost a trusty comrade, a man who always did his duty, a fine type of British manhood. He has been laid to rest quite near to Horace Marshall, also of ‘A’ Company.”
Private Smith had not been previously wounded, but had been in hospital for a short time suffering from septic poisoning. He had a very narrow escape about three weeks ago, a bomb dropping quite close to him and three other privates whilst they were in the trenches, but fortunately it did not explode, and of course they all escaped injury. The last letter received from Private Smith now makes pathetic reading. It was only received last Friday. In it he stated that he was “in the pink” of condition, that he was expecting to be soon out of the trenches for a week, and was looking forward to the time when he would return to Skipton. He also mentioned that the men of the 6th Battalion were to be granted leave to return home in small sections, though it might be a long time ere he was fortunate enough to get away, as only two or three were allowed leave at a time.
It is interesting to note that Private Smith has two brothers in the Army. One, Private John William Lawson (a half-brother, son of deceased’s mother by her first marriage) was with the 5th [2nd?] West Riding Regiment, but is now a prisoner of war in Germany, being captured in February last. He was at Parchim (Mecklenburg-Schwerin), but has since been returned to a prisoners’ camp at Hostrup. He is a reservist, and would have completed his service with the Army by Christmas, 1914, had not war been declared. The second brother is Private Norris Gilbert Smith, a Royal Engineer, now in course of training at Borden Camp, Hants., he expects to go to the Front shortly, and was home on leave quite recently. Before enlistment he was a porter on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway.
27 August 1915
In the casualty list on Monday, amongst the names of those who have died from wounds received in action in France, appeared the name of Lieut. E. J. C. Supple, of the 6th West Riding (Duke of Wellington’s) Regiment.
For several years Lieut. Supple was an assistant master at the Skipton Grammar School, and the news of his death was received with general regret for he was well known and highly respected in the town. He came to Skipton from Harrogate in 1909 to take up a position of master of the preparatory class and sports master at the Grammar School, Mr. Shawyer being then headmaster. He had not been in the town long before he joined the local Territorials (the 6th West Riding Regiment) as a private, and took a keen interest in the signalling section. He was promoted to the rank of lance-corporal, and obtained his discharge as a non-commissioned officer in 1913. Subsequently he rejoined the battalion as a second-lieutenant, and attended camp at Marske just before the outbreak of hostilities, and a few months ago left England with his regiment for the front.
He was a keen sportsman, and was formerly a prominent half-back for the London Irish Club.
Lieut. Supple left Skipton about eighteen months prior to the war to take up duties at Brighton.
We learned yesterday (Thursday) that the unfortunate officer was admitted on Sunday last to the general hospital at Wimereaux suffering from severe gunshot wounds through both thighs, and passed away during the early afternoon of the same day.
10 September 1915
Writing to his parents at Skipton on August 28th, a Skipton soldier who is in the 6th West Riding (Duke of Wellington’s) Regiment, in France, says:– “I am pleased to tell you that we came out of the trenches last night (Friday), and after marching some nine miles arrived in a wood where we are expecting to spend twelve days’ rest. We are under canvas, and if the weather keeps like it is at present we ought to have a decent time. We have had quite a nice time in the trenches compared with that we have experienced at times, the weather having been beautiful and the Germans have not troubled us much, except one day when they bothered us for an hour with trench mortars and rifle grenades. However, they fell a good way from us, and did not hit anyone. We expected and hoped we should come out without a casualty, as it had got to Thursday night, but such was not to be the case, for early on Friday morning Joe Stewart, in our company, was looking over the parapet when he was hit in the head by a bullet from a sniper and died nearly instantly. You will no doubt have heard that Mr. Supple and poor Fred Thornton have both died as a result of their wounds. We heard about them on Friday morning, and we were very much cut-up about the awful news… It hurts us chaps much more when we think how they were both ‘one of us’ so to speak… However war is war, and sacrifices like this are happening every day. The only thing we can hope for is a speedy end of this awful struggle. I have much sympathy with Fred’s parents as we all have, and hope they will be cheered and helped by the knowledge that he died fighting for his country, and what nobler death can a man have? His pluck never failed up to the end. As I write the sky is blue, the birds are singing and making merry with their sweet songs, and how it makes my thought fly to those I love in dear old England… I am sat just outside my tent leaning against a tree with no coat on, shirt sleeves rolled up, and my thoughts are all with you at Skipton. Leave I believe is still going on, but awfully slowly, and if they do not send a few more at a time and oftener, it is going to be a poor look out for this child. It is now 9.30 a.m. Sunday morning, and after getting up at 7 a.m. and having breakfast, we went for a hot bath, and had our trousers stoved to kill all the germs, etc. We have just got back and feel A1. Whilst we were there the West Riding Field Artillery came for a bath, and guess who I saw? Rudolph Clad, whom you will remember as well if not better than I. He came out about the same time as I did, and he is wishing to get back. He told me his brother, Allonso, is interned in Germany, having been there at the outbreak of hostilities. His father has been in France once since the war began, but he could not find Rudolph. It is surprising whom one comes across in this land. It is really a treat being back here, and we still have eleven days of it, so it will be a splendid rest. There is a band playing this minute, the morning in beautiful and the corn fields are looking fine…”
Writing again under date September 5th, the same writer says:– “Since Thursday we have been having awfully wet weather, thus preventing us, to some extent, going out on fatigues and keeping us pretty much confined to our tents. However, we got a pass to go to a town some 3½ miles away on Friday afternoon, and found a very respectable café. Having been paid on the Monday we enjoyed a good tea, which was indeed a treat. Then we had a look round, and bought some lovely plums, for there were some fine shops, just like English ones, and one could purchase nearly anything he desired… This morning, Sunday, we were up at 5 a.m., breakfast at 6 a.m., parade at 7 a.m., and went in motor buses seven miles to dig. We arrived at our destination at 8 a.m., worked until 11 a.m., and then returned in the motor bus, arriving at our camp in the wood at 12.30 p.m. That was how our Sunday morning was spent. We passed through one village at which we had been previously billeted, and, my word, the Germans have since that time fairly knocked the place about. The main street is one heap of ruins; the damage has been done by the huge 17 inch shells of the Germans. We passed two holes which had been made in a field by the explosion of one of these shells, and one or two houses could have been put into them. Wish you could only see the sights we see… I do thank you for the programme of the concert that was held in the Town Hall at Skipton. It could not have been otherwise than a huge success, for the artistes were quite ‘stars’. I have heard three of them: Miss Hunt is a charming singer, Norman Allin is a bass with some voice, and Miss Dillingham – well, of course, she is A1. The tenor, Alfred Heather, is very noted, and he really must have been a treat in himself. I am only too sorry I was not able to hear them all. It is all right for the chaps who are at the large bases out here, for they get the best of everything and are able to hear all the concerts that are held out here. But we are too near the firing line to permit these noted singers to venture so that we might hear them, and thus we never get any such treats. However, we sing amongst ourselves, and enjoy that just as much… We shall be going into the trenches on Wednesday, I think, but I am longing for the day when peace may be declared, and we shall all be safely home again.”
24 December 1915
Lieut. E. J. C. Supple, 6th West Riding (Duke of Wellington’s) Regiment, died from wounds received on August 26th. He came to Skipton from Harrogate, and for several years was an assistant master at the Skipton Grammar School.
14 December 1917
A Fifteenth Century Foundation – War Memorial Proposed
Wednesday’s proceedings were opened with a service in commemoration not only of the founders and benefactors of the school but also of the gallant men who formerly passed through the school and who had given their lives for their country in the present war. The service was conducted by the headmaster (Rev. F.G. Forder) in the big school and there was a good attendance of old boys and others interested in the school. The names of the fallen heroes are as follows:– 2nd Lieut. T.B. Bellamy, Captain C.D. Bennett, 2nd Lieut. T.D. Broughton, Captain C.W. Brown, Gunner Philip Brown, Corporal H.S. Caw, Sergt. J. Cockerill, 2nd Lieut. H. Colley (master), Major M.E. Cookson, 2nd Lieut. E.G. Goodman, 2nd Lieut. F.H. Gill, Private W. Hartley, Rifleman W.M. Jowett, Lieut. H. Knowles, 2nd Lieut. C.H. Lee (master), 2nd Lieut. J.C. McIntyre, Captain J.B. McKay, Lance-Corporal A.J. Metcalfe, J.H. [E.] Metcalfe, Private E. Platt, Private C.T.W. Rigby, 2nd Lieut. W.A. Rodwell, Sergt. A.F. Ryder, Lieut. E.J.C. Supple (master), Private F. Thornton, Rifleman H. Tindall, Sergt. H. Walker, Gunner Herbert Watson, 2nd Lieut. Alec Wilson, Private Cameron Wilson, 2nd Lieut. Ian Wilson.
Among the old boys who have gained distinctions are the following:– Military Cross, Second-Lieutenant J.G. Berry, Second-Lieutenant J.B. Hartley, Captain J.T. Hurst, Lieut. P. Jowett, Lieut. J. Petty, and Capt. T.B. Pollard (master); Distinguished Conduct Medal, Corpl. W.A. Murgatroyd; Mentioned in Despatches, Lieut. J. Pethybridge, Capt. Allan Wilson, and many others.
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