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Ian Maclean WILSON

Main CPGW Record

Surname: WILSON

Forename(s): Ian Maclean

Place of Birth: Shrewsbury, Shropshire

Service No: ---

Rank: Lieutenant

Regiment / Corps / Service: Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own (Yorkshire Regiment)

Battalion / Unit: 6th (Service) Battalion

Division: 11th (Northern) Division

Age: 20

Date of Death: 1915-08-07

Awards: ---

CWGC Grave / Memorial Reference: Panel 55 to 58.

CWGC Cemetery: ---


Non-CWGC Burial: ---


Additional Information:

Ian Maclean Wilson (born 25 May 1895 and named as John Maclean Wilson on his birth certificate) was the son of Hector Maclean and Sarah O'Connell Wilson, née Wilson. Ian's father was born at Forgandenny, Perthshire and his mother at Christchurch, New Zealand.

1901 Wakefield, Yorkshire Census: Snail's House, Blenheim Road - Ian M. Wilson, aged 5 years, born Shrewsbury, Salop, son of Hector M. and Sarah O'C. Wilson.

1911 Holt, Norfolk Census: Bengal Lodge, Cromer Road - Ian Maclean Wilson, aged 15 years, boarder, born Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

Ian attended Gresham's School, Holt, Norfolk and is commemorated on the Roll of Honour there.

British Army WW1 Medal Rolls Index Cards: Lt. Ian McLean Wilson, York. Regt. Theatre of War first served in Gallipoli. Date of entry therein: ( - ). K. in A. 7.8.15. Correspondence: H. MacL. Wilson Esq. MD. BSc. (father) West Riding of Yorkshire Rivers Board, Wakefield.

A short biography of Ian is included in: ‘A Grammar School at War – The Story of Ermysted’s Grammar School during the Great War’ by Steven Howarth (2007).

Photograph courtesy of Evelyn Wright.

Data Source: Craven Herald Article


Entry in West Yorkshire Pioneer Illustrated War Record: ---


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Lieutenant Ian Maclean WILSON

Lieutenant Ian Maclean WILSON

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own (Yorkshire Regiment)

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own (Yorkshire Regiment)

Divisional Sign / Service Insignia: 11th (Northern) Division

Divisional Sign / Service Insignia: 11th (Northern) Division

Data from Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 - 1919 Records

Soldiers Died Data for Soldier Records

Surname: WILSON

Forename(s): Ian McLean





Rank: Lt

Regiment: Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regiment)

Battalion: 6th Battalion


Died Date: 07/08/15

Died How: Killed in action

Theatre of War:


Data from Commonwealth War Graves Commission Records

CWGC Data for Soldier Records

Surname: WILSON

Forename(s): Ian McLean

Country of Service: United Kingdom

Service Number:

Rank: Lieutenant

Regiment: Yorkshire Regiment

Unit: 6th Bn.

Age: 20


Died Date: 07/08/1915

Additional Information: Son of H. Maclean Wilson, M.D., and S. O'Connell Wilson, of Woodthorpe Lane, Wakefield.

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DE RUVIGNY'S ROLL OF HONOUR 1914-1918 – Part Two

WILSON, IAN MACLEAN, Lieut., 6th (Service) Battn. Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regt.), only surv. s. of Hector Maclean Wilson, M. D., Chief Inspector of the West Riding Rivers Board, by his wife, Sarah O’Connell, dau. of Thomas Wilson, of Canterbury, New Zealand; b. Shrewsbury, 25 May, 1895; educ. Skipton Grammar School; Gresham’s School, Holt, co. Norfolk, and Leeds University, where he was an Engineering Student, volunteered for foreign service on the outbreak of war; was gazetted 2nd Lieut. 6th Yorkshire Regt. 26 Aug. 1914, and promoted Lieut. June, 1915; served with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force in Gallipoli from 1 July, 1915, and was killed in action during the landing at Suvla Bay 6 Aug. following. Buried there; unm.

BRITISH REGIMENTS AT GALLIPOLI, by Ray Westlake (Pen & Sword Books Limited 1996)

6th (Service) Bn. Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own (Yorkshire Regiment)

JULY 1915
Witley Camp, Godalming, Surrey. Entrained Milford for Liverpool (1st). Arrived early morning and embarked Aquitania. Strength – 30 officers, 944 other ranks. [Officers with the Battalion included Lieutenant Ian McLean Wilson.]

Embarked for Gallipoli (6th). Strength – 25 officers, 750 other ranks. In The Green Howards in the Great War Colonel H.C. Wylly records that troops wore a white patch sewn on the corner of their haversacks, two white armbands and triangular pieces of tin cut from biscuit boxes tied to the haversacks to act as unit identification. ‘A’ and ‘B’ Companies landed ‘B’ Beach, southeast of Nibrunesi Point 11.00 p.m. and commenced attack on Lala Baba. Official History of the Great War records that the assault was the first to be made by any unit of the New Army. The attack being under conditions that would have ‘tried the mettle of highly experienced troops.’ ‘C’ Company landed and under Major Shannon advanced on Turkish positions at Nibrunesi Point. ‘D’ Company moved towards Salt Lake and set up piquet line. Under orders to use the bayonet only, ‘A’ and ‘B’ Companies advanced to top of hill in pitch dark. Official History records ‘officers and men fell thickly . . . most of the Turks scattered, but some lay low in their deep narrow trenches till the attacking troops had passed, and then sprang up to shoot them in the back.’ ‘C’ Company cleared enemy from Nibrunesi Point and then advanced on Lala Baba Hill. Colonel Wylly includes the following account by Major Shannon in his history – “On arriving at the base of Lala Baba I ordered a charge and we ran up the hill. About three-quarters of the way up we came upon a Turkish trench, very narrow and flush with the ground. We ran over this and the enemy fired into our rear, firing going on at this time from several directions. I shouted out that the Yorkshire Regiment was coming, in order to avoid running into our own people. We ran on and about twelve paces further on, as far as I can judge, came to another trench; this we also crossed and again were fired into from the rear. I ordered the company to jump back into the second trench, and we got into this, which was so narrow that it was quite impossible for one man to pass another, or even to walk up it unless he moved sideways; another difficulty was that if there were any wounded or dead men in the bottom of the trench it was impossible to avoid treading on them in passing. There was a little communication trench running from right to left behind me, and whenever I shouted an order a Turk, who appeared to be in this trench, fired at me from a distance of apparently five or ten yards. I had some difficulty in getting anybody to fire down the communication trench in order to quiet the enterprising Turk, who was endeavouring to pot me with great regularity, but eventually got him shot.” Major Shannon pressed attack on over crest of hill . . . “A little way down the reverse slope we came to some groups of men (survivors of ‘A’ and ‘B’ Companies), several of whom were lying about apparently awaiting orders, and one group on the left was ‘scrapping’ with some Turks in a trench a few yards distant from them. In response to shouting I got an answer from two directions and picked up Lieutenant Whitworth and Second-Lieutenant Simpson. These were all the officers then present. I formed such of the Battalion as could be collected into a line facing north and we charged down to the base of the hill facing the further beach – afterwards known as ‘A’ Beach.” War Diary records ‘enemy driven north-east to Hill 10. Casualties – 16 officers, approx. 250 other ranks.’ [Officers killed included Lieutenant Ian McLean Wilson.] Battalion took up outpost position on Hill 10 mid-day (7th).

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Additional Photo(s) For Soldier Records

THE GREEN HOWARDS IN THE GREAT WAR 1914-1919, by Colonel H.C. Wylly, C.B. (Richmond, Yorkshire 1926)

THE GREEN HOWARDS IN THE GREAT WAR 1914-1919, by Colonel H.C. Wylly, C.B. (Richmond, Yorkshire 1926)

Officers of the 6th (Service) Bn Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own (Yorkshire Regiment) - Lieut. Ian Maclean Wilson, 2nd from left (in row behind seated officers)

Gresham’s School Chapel Screen

Gresham’s School Chapel Screen

© Liz Larby (WMR-20085)

Hector Maclean and Sarah O’Connell Wilson the parents of Lieutenant Ian Maclean Wilson

Hector Maclean and Sarah O’Connell Wilson the parents of Lieutenant Ian Maclean Wilson

Courtesy of Evelyn Wright

Mercy Wilson Galbraith, the half-sister of Ian Maclean Wilson

Mercy Wilson Galbraith, the half-sister of Ian Maclean Wilson

Courtesy of Evelyn Wright

Mercy Wilson Galbraith, the half-sister of Ian Maclean Wilson as a Nanny in 1915

Mercy Wilson Galbraith, the half-sister of Ian Maclean Wilson as a Nanny in 1915

Courtesy of Evelyn Wright

View Craven Herald Articles

View Craven Herald Articles

Craven Herald and Wensleydale Standard Logo

04 August 1916


At their day of all days did they think with pride and love of those who – some of those so recently in their midst playing their games, sharing their work, living their life, learning their ideals – had carried these ideals on to the field of battle to fight for King and Country as once they fought for their school. It was impossible to give them a full list of all old boys who had joined the Colours, but they owed it to the memory of these heroes of the Skipton Grammar School who had so willingly given their lives to the Empire to do public honour and reverence to their names.

The following old boys and masters had died on active service:–

Lieut. C. W. Brown, Sergt. J. Cockerill, Second-Lieut. H. Colley, Major M. T. Cookson, Lieut. H. Knowles, Second-Lieut. J. C. McIntyre, Lieut. E.J.C. Supple, Pte. F. Thornton, Second-Lieut. Ian Wilson

Let their example, and the example of all their sons who had so freely responded to their country’s call, be the dominant thought in this their day of thanksgiving. God give them grace to keep the tradition that they had made for them.

View West Yorkshire Pioneer Articles

View West Yorkshire Pioneer Articles

West Yorkshire Pioneer Logo

14 December 1917


A Fifteenth Century Foundation – War Memorial Proposed


Wednesday’s proceedings were opened with a service in commemoration not only of the founders and benefactors of the school but also of the gallant men who formerly passed through the school and who had given their lives for their country in the present war. The service was conducted by the headmaster (Rev. F.G. Forder) in the big school and there was a good attendance of old boys and others interested in the school. The names of the fallen heroes are as follows:– 2nd Lieut. T.B. Bellamy, Captain C.D. Bennett, 2nd Lieut. T.D. Broughton, Captain C.W. Brown, Gunner Philip Brown, Corporal H.S. Caw, Sergt. J. Cockerill, 2nd Lieut. H. Colley (master), Major M.E. Cookson, 2nd Lieut. E.G. Goodman, 2nd Lieut. F.H. Gill, Private W. Hartley, Rifleman W.M. Jowett, Lieut. H. Knowles, 2nd Lieut. C.H. Lee (master), 2nd Lieut. J.C. McIntyre, Captain J.B. McKay, Lance-Corporal A.J. Metcalfe, J.H. [E.] Metcalfe, Private E. Platt, Private C.T.W. Rigby, 2nd Lieut. W.A. Rodwell, Sergt. A.F. Ryder, Lieut. E.J.C. Supple (master), Private F. Thornton, Rifleman H. Tindall, Sergt. H. Walker, Gunner Herbert Watson, 2nd Lieut. Alec Wilson, Private Cameron Wilson, 2nd Lieut. Ian Wilson.

Among the old boys who have gained distinctions are the following:– Military Cross, Second-Lieutenant J.G. Berry, Second-Lieutenant J.B. Hartley, Captain J.T. Hurst, Lieut. P. Jowett, Lieut. J. Petty, and Capt. T.B. Pollard (master); Distinguished Conduct Medal, Corpl. W.A. Murgatroyd; Mentioned in Despatches, Lieut. J. Pethybridge, Capt. Allan Wilson, and many others.

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