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James Whaley FRYER

Main CPGW Record

Surname: FRYER

Forename(s): James Whaley

Place of Birth: Gayle, Yorkshire

Service No: ---

Rank: 2nd Lieutenant

Regiment / Corps / Service: Northumberland Fusiliers

Battalion / Unit: 22nd (Service) Battalion. (3rd Tyneside Scottish)

Division: 34th Division

Age: 24

Date of Death: 1916-07-01

Awards: ---

CWGC Grave / Memorial Reference: Pier and Face 10 B 11 B and 12 B.

CWGC Cemetery: ---


Non-CWGC Burial: ---


Local War Memorial: HAWES, YORKSHIRE

Additional Information:

James Whaley Fryer was the son of James Whaley and Edith Fryer, née Hindhaugh. James, senior, was born at Hawes, Yorkshire and Edith at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland.

1901 Gayle, Yorkshire Census: Rookhurst - James W. Fryer, aged 9 years, born Hawes, son of James W. and Edith Fryer.

1911 Cullercoats, Northumberland Census: 23, Beverley Terrace - James Whaley Fryer, aged 19 years, born Hawes, Yorkshire. [James was visiting his uncle and aunt, Ernest and Hermione Amelia Enid Hindhaugh.]

British Army WW1 Medal Rolls Index Cards: 2/Lieut James Whaley Fryer, North'd Fus. Theatre of War first served in: France. Date of entry therein: 10 .1.16. (Missing) Dec'd 1.7.16.
Correspondence: Mrs. Fryer (Mother) Dean Park Lodge, 31, Dean Park Road, Bournemouth.

British Army WW1 Medal and Award Rolls: 2 Lieut J.W. Fryer, North'd Fus. Missing 1.7.16.

Army Registers of Soldiers' Effects: 2 Lt J.W. Fryer, North'd Fus. Date and Place of Death: 1.7.16. To whom issued/Amount: Administratrix - Mrs Edith Fryer. £58 14s. 10d.

UK, WW1 Pension Ledgers and Index Cards, 1914-1923: card(s) for James not found.

James is commemorated in the Rolls of Honour at the Scottish National War Memorial, Edinburgh.

A short biography of James is included in: ‘Wensleydale Remembered – The Sacrifice made by the Families of a Northern Dale 1914-1918 and 1939-1945’ by Keith Taylor (2004).

Data Source: Craven’s Part in the Great War - original CPGW book entry

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Entry in West Yorkshire Pioneer Illustrated War Record: ---


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2nd Lieutenant James Whaley FRYER

2nd Lieutenant James Whaley FRYER

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: Northumberland Fusiliers

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: Northumberland Fusiliers

Divisional Sign / Service Insignia: 34th Division

Divisional Sign / Service Insignia: 34th Division

Data from Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 - 1919 Records

Soldiers Died Data for Soldier Records

Surname: FRYER

Forename(s): James Whaley





Rank: 2/Lt

Regiment: Northumberland Fusiliers

Battalion: 22nd Battalion


Died Date: 01/07/16

Died How: Killed in action

Theatre of War:


Data from Commonwealth War Graves Commission Records

CWGC Data for Soldier Records

Surname: FRYER

Forename(s): James Whaley

Country of Service: United Kingdom

Service Number:

Rank: Second Lieutenant

Regiment: Northumberland Fusiliers

Unit: 22nd (Tyneside Scottish) Bn.

Age: 24


Died Date: 01/07/1916

Additional Information: Son of Edith Fryer, of "Kingarth", 5, Moorside, Fenham, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and the late Maj. James Whaley Fryer.

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BRITISH BATTALIONS ON THE SOMME, by Ray Westlake (Pen & Sword Books Limited 1994)

22nd (Service) Bn. Northumberland Fusiliers (3rd Tyneside Scottish)

Attacked south of La Boisselle 7.30 a.m. (1/7) – moved forward with 21st Battalion – high casualties – just 150 men located in German line at nightfall.

[James Whaley Fryer was killed in this attack on the 1st July 1916.]

England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1995


FRYER James Whaley of Rookhurst Hawes Yorkshire died 25 December 1911 at 51 Welbeck-Street Middlesex Probate London 6 February to Edith Fryer widow Thomas Baines farmer and Elizabeth Eleanor Johnson (wife of Thomas Christopher Johnson). Effects £12548 9s. 4d. Resworn £12894 1s. 3d.


FRYER James Whaley of Kingarth South Moorside Fenham Newcastle-upon-Tyne law student a lieutenant in His Majesty’s Army died 1 July 1916 in France Administration Newcastle-upon-Tyne 8 January to Edith Fryer widow. Effects £605 0s. 3d.


FRYER Edith of Craigielia Durham-road Low Fell Gateshead widow died 13 October 1954 Probate Newcastle-upon-Tyne 5 January to Philip Whaley Ellis Heppell chartered surveyor and estate agent and Rhoda Eleanor Fairburn (wife of Stephen Geoffrey Fairburn). Effects £11577 1s. 6d.

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Additional Photo(s) For Soldier Records

St Margaret's Churchyard, Hawes

St Margaret's Churchyard, Hawes

Family gravestone

St Margaret's Churchyard, Hawes

St Margaret's Churchyard, Hawes

Family gravestone - detail of memorial inscription

View Craven Herald Articles

View Craven Herald Articles

Craven Herald and Wensleydale Standard Logo

14 July 1916


Second-Lieutenant J.W. Fryer, Northumberland Fusiliers, who is reported missing, is the only son of the late Captain J.W. Fryer, Rookhurst, Hawes, and Mrs. Fryer, Fenham, Newcastle. He was born at Rookhurst, Hawes, and previous to the war was an articled clerk with Messrs. Dickinson, Miller and Turnbull. The late Captain Fryer, who died about three years ago, was for many years chairman of the Aysgarth Rural District Council.

01 September 1916

FRYER – Formerly reported missing, now reported killed, Second-Lieutenant J. Whaley Fryer, Northumberland Fusiliers, only son of the late Major Fryer, Hawes.

01 September 1916


Second-Lieutenant J. Whaley Fryer, Northumberland Fusiliers, only son of the late Major Fryer, Rookhurst, Hawes, and Mrs. Fryer, Moorside, Fenham, Newcastle, who was reported missing in the big push in July, is now reported killed. Mrs. Fryer has received the following letter from the captain commanding the company:–

“Whaley was in my Company, and I have been informed by some of the men in the Company that they saw him fall. It is very sad, but I am afraid he was killed; he fell just after he got over the top of the parapet. He was very well liked by all the men and also got on well with all the officers in the Battalion.”

03 November 1916


A very impressive memorial service for the soldiers from the parish, and those closely connected with the parish, who have fallen in the War, was held in St. Margaret’s Church on Sunday afternoon. From the Church tower the flag of St. George was flying half-mast, and the solemn tolling of the Church bell, announcing the hour of service, deepened the solemnity of the occasion. There was a large congregation, among whom were the relatives of many who have fallen. The service was conducted by the vicar (Rev. S. D. Crawford), and the hymns were 'Lead, Kindly Light’, ‘On the Resurrection Morning’, and ‘For all the Saints’. The soldiers whose memories were honoured were: Frederick Cockett, Albert Leach, Thomas Walton, J. W. Fryer, Reginald Milburn, James Banks, J. Chaytor Metcalfe, George Bargh, and James H. Milner

The Vicar took for his text the words, ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends’. He said “As we think of those who have laid down their lives for their country in this War, two thoughts force themselves upon us – the greatness they have achieved, and the atonement they have wrought. Lads who have never trained for war have, in a few months, become the equals of the most magnificently trained army in the world, and we have lived to see a greatness in our splendid boys of which we have but little conception. These lads had acquired a deathless fame; a greatness which would survive as long the British Empire lasts. And some share of this greatness belongs to those for whose lives and deaths we thank God today, and we believe that as they gave their lives without a murmur, so our God will hear the prayers we offer that their souls may rest in peace, and light eternal shine upon them. When we recall the horrors that Belgium, France and Serbia have suffered, and realise that but for those same brave lads we might be suffering the same, we cannot honour them too much, we cannot be too grateful for their devotion and self-sacrifice. To those who mourn their loss, this comfort must come: that their loved ones have passed into the company of heroes who equated not their lives too dear, but at the call of duty sacrificed all for the sake of their country, the good of mankind, and the cause of true liberty. But their death has done more than prove their greatness; it has been an act of atonement, atonement for their country and atonement for themselves.”

There was a time in the history of most nations when it had to be brought back to its allegiance to God by some sharp punishment. We went into this war with clean hands, but nevertheless it was proving a means of national purging. While we as a whole suffered in various ways, the sacrificial shedding of their blood had been the great work of our fallen heroes. “To that sacrifice those we remember today have shared and may we not confidently say that their deaths are a contribution to the cleansing of the nation?”

At the close of the sermon ‘The Last Post’ was sounded on the cornet by Mr. J. Blades, and after the Blessing the Dead March was played on the organ by Mr. F. Haverfield.

29 December 1916

HAWES – A Quiet Christmas

The Christmas of 1916 was the quietest experienced in living history, and many causes contributed to this end. The weather, which was cold, with alternate showers of snow and rain, did not make for cheerfulness and the day was spent for the most part either at home, or (in the case of the men folk), in the clubs. No parties of Christmas singers were abroad on Christmas Eve, or on Saturday night, and no band enlivened matters on Christmas Day. The usual services were held in St. Margaret’s Church, and these were fairly well attended, about 60 partaking of Holy Communion. It was Christmas under war conditions, and which have touched almost every home. Many well-known men have made the great sacrifice. On the Hawes roll of honour are recorded the following names of those fallen in battle:–2nd Lieut. G. Bargh, Pte. James Banks, Pte. Fred Cockett, 2nd Lieut. J.W. Fryer, Pte. John Fawcett, Gunner Albert Leach, Major J.C. Metcalfe, Pte. R. Milburn, Pte. S.Moore, Pte. L. Staveley, and Corporal Tom Walton.

04 July 1919



Northumberland Fusiliers, only son of the late Major J. W. Fryer, J.P., ‘Rookhurst,’ Hawes, and Mrs. Fryer, now of ‘Kingarth,’ Finham, Newcastle, was killed in action on July 1st, 1916.


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