'The Westmorland Gazette' (19 August 1916)
(Kindly supplied by Sedbergh & District History Society)
BATEMAN - Killed in action on 1st July, 1916, in France, Private Joseph Charles Bateman, 2nd Border Regt., eldest and beloved son of Mrs. Bateman and the late John Bateman, Settlebeck, Sedbergh, aged 22 years.
'His country called, he cheerfully answered.'
'The Westmorland Gazette' (19 August 1916)
(Kindly supplied by Sedbergh & District History Society)
Bateman, Pte. Joseph Charles, 2nd Border Regt., killed in action July 1st, 1916, aged 22 years, had been in the army nearly a year. Went to France on December 15th last.
'The Westmorland Gazette' (19 August 1916)
(Kindly supplied by Sedbergh & District History Society)
With the Union Jack flying at half-mast, and the organist (Miss Boustead) playing 'O rest in the Lord,' a large number of the parishioners of Sedbergh, of all denominations, assembled in the Parish Church on Thursday evening last week to take part in the services held in memory of two local men belonging to the Border Regiment - Corporal John Charles Leighton, aged 34 years, and Pvt. Joseph Charles Bateman, aged 22 years - who had been killed in the recent fighting 'somewhere in France.' The officiating clergy were the Rev. A. Holloway Walker, vicar, and the Rev. H.F. Donaldson-Selby. Part of the choir was in attendance, and Psalm cxxx, was sung. The vicar read the lesson, and then the choir and congregation sang the hymns 'Nearer, my God to Thee' and Fight the good fight.' In the course of an appropriate address, the vicar said they had met to pay a tribute which they knew was fitting and proper to the memory of two Sedbergh men who had paid the great toll and offered the supreme sacrifice of their lives for their country. He felt it would be somewhat presumptuous of him to dare to extol the nobility of their sacrifice. It was a thing they all realised, and, if they were true Englishmen, valued and appreciated. After quoting the words of the brave Primate of Belgium, Cardinal Mercier, to the effect that the soldier who fought to save his brother reached the highest of all degrees of charity, the vicar said they need have no fear for them who had gone. They had passed through death into a greater, nobler, higher and more perfect life than ever could have been theirs or ours here. It was only because they were Christians that they could face the horror and bloodshed of that terrible war. They had, as Christians, the great hope in death of a nobler life, and they believed that they who had lost those who were near to them would see them again when they passed in their turn to the Great Beyond. So for those lying in the far land of France they need have no fear. They had been reverently buried, their graves were carefully marked and would be tended at the expense of the country. It was always hardest for those who were left in their pain and grief, trouble and anxiety, and they prayed that God in His mercy would support, comfort, and sustain those now so heavily afflicted. The congregation stood as the organist played the 'Dead March.'
'The Kendal Mercury' (22 September 1916)
(Kindly supplied by Sedbergh & District History Society)
A good many of our local soldiers have been put into communication with each other by means of personal paragraphs, which we always welcome, by letter or notes to our representatives, and are glad to publish week by week. News of missing men sometimes comes to hand through this medium and the soldiers' world is brought nearer to him by news of his personal friends.
A few weeks ago a Sedbergh lady wrote Mr. Thompson of Windermere, who is personally in touch with scores of our local lads, by reason of the parcels he despatches on behalf of Windermere givers, to soldiers at the front and in hospital. She asked for a Border soldier's address which was furnished as her son was in the same Battalion, and about whose safety she was concerned. He was reported wounded on August 2nd and on August 5th he was reported killed in action on July 1st. Mrs. Bateman wrote that she would like to hear more about him if she could. Her other son is in the R.G.A.
Mrs. Bateman later on received a letter from Lance-Sergt. A.S. Bonson who says he saw Prvt. J.C. Bateman buried. Another gentleman made enquiries and pieces of paper stated where the body was found and buried with others. No one in the Company saw him killed. On September 5th, the report was altered and placed in the list of wounded. Prvt. Joe Bateman used to write home regularly but nothing has been heard of him lately. He was a lad who never crumbled, only once, when he said he could do with a good bath. He was a cheery, happy lad and so keen on going into the army. At first he could not pass because of glasses, but when that obstacle was removed he passed ay Kendal, and as one says "you might have thought he had got a fortune, he was so pleased and so glad to do his bit." He said he had got a load off his mind. He was in the Sedbergh Band for over five years, and a bell ringer.
Prvt. Bateman's father formerly worked at Cleabarrow and at Mr. Pennington's, Kendal, where he was foreman.
'The Westmorland Gazette' (3 February 1917)
(Kindly supplied by Sedbergh & District History Society)
The annual meeting was held on Wednesday night, Mr. C.W. Gooch in the chair. - The financial statement showed that the past year started with a credit balance of £9 14s. 4d., and this had increased to £33 9s. 11d. In his report of the year's working, Mr. G. Hall, the hon. secretary, referred to the loss of five members - Corpl. J.C. Leighton, Pte. J.C. Bateman, and Pte. H. Clemmet, killed in action; F,C. Bushby, died in hospital, and Pte. Herbert Park, drowned in the Mediterranean. He hoped the club would raise a permanent memorial to these men. He also read a letter from Mr. Walter Morrison, accompanying his annual subscription, and urging the members to keep the club going ...
'The Westmorland Gazette' (23 June 1917)
(Kindly supplied by Sedbergh & District History Society)
BATEMAN - In loving memory of Nora, accidently killed June 20th, 1915, aged 6 years; also Joseph Charles, killed in action, July 1st, 1916, aged 23 years, beloved son and daughter of Grace and the late John Bateman, Settlebeck, Sedbergh.
'Underneath are everlasting arms.'
BRITISH BATTALIONS ON THE SOMME, by Ray Westlake (Pen & Sword Books Limited 1994)
2nd Bn. Border Regiment.
Moved forward from Morlancourt for attack on Mametz during night (30/6). Advanced in 4 lines 7.27 a.m. (1/7) - strong machine gun fire from both the village and Fricourt further to the left. All objectives - Danube Trench, Apple Alley, Shrine Alley, Hidden Lane taken by evening and gains consolidated. Casualties - 343.
[Joseph Charles Bateman was killed on the 1st July 1916.]
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