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Robert EWART

Main CPGW Record

Surname: EWART

Forename(s): Robert

Place of Birth: Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland

Service No: 167696

Rank: Gunner

Regiment / Corps / Service: Royal Garrison Artillery

Battalion / Unit: 196th Siege Battery

Division: ---

Age: 27

Date of Death: 1918-11-06

Awards: ---

CWGC Grave / Memorial Reference: VII. D. 3.


CWGC Memorial: ---

Non-CWGC Burial: ---

Local War Memorial: SETTLE, YORKSHIRE

Additional Information:

Robert Ewart was the son of William and Janet Ewart, née Maxwell and brother of Gunner James Ewart (34518) (q.v.) and Private William Ewart (3/1529) (q.v.). Their father was born at Eskdalemuir, Dumfreisshire and mother at Stobhill, Gorebridge, Midlothian.

1891 Eskdalemuir, Dumfriesshire Census: Middleburn Cottage - Robert Ewart, aged 3 months, born Biggar, Lanarkshire, grandson of Robert and Agnes Ewart. [Robert was living there living with his mother, Janet.]

1901 Settle, Yorkshire Census: New Road - Robert Ewart, aged 10 years, born Scotland, son of William and Janet Ewart.

1911 Sowerby Bridge, Yorkshire Census: 5, Boston Street - Robert Ewart, aged 20 years, born Eskdalemuir, Dumfries. [Robert was boarding with James Albert and Hannah Elizabeth Lumb.]

Robert was married to Emily Clegg in 1913.

British Army WW1 Medal Rolls Index Cards: Gnr Robert Ewart, 167696, R.G.A.

British Army WW1 Medal and Award Rolls: Gnr Robert Ewart, 167696, Base Details, R.G.A.

Army Registers of Soldiers' Effects: Gnr Robert Ewart, 167696, 196 S Bty R.G.A. Date and Place of Death: 6.11.18. 3 Can. Gen. Hos. France. To whom Authorised/Amount Authorised: Widow and Sole Legatee - Emily. £13 14s. 7d.

UK, WW1 Pension Ledgers and Index Cards, 1914-1923: card(s) exist for Robert. Name(s) on card(s): Widow: Emily, born 1.1.88. Address 1. 115, Oldroyd Place, Bradford Road, Batley. Address 2. 6, Maxwell Avenue, Upper Road, Batley Carr, Batley. Children: William, born 25.9.13. Wilfred, born 5.2.16.

The 1921 Census shows that Emily and her sons were living with her mother, Emma Clegg, at 6, Maxwell Avenue, Salter Square, Batley.

Robert is commemorated on Batley War Memorial.

Data Source: Local War Memorial


Entry in West Yorkshire Pioneer Illustrated War Record: ---


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Gunner Robert EWART

Gunner Robert EWART

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: Royal Garrison Artillery

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: Royal Garrison Artillery

Data from Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 - 1919 Records

Soldiers Died Data for Soldier Records

Surname: EWART

Forename(s): Robert

Born: Biggar, Lanark


Enlisted: Batley

Number: 167696

Rank: Gunner

Regiment: Royal Garrison Artillery



Died Date: 06/11/16 [sic]

Died How: Died

Theatre of War: France & Flanders


Data from Commonwealth War Graves Commission Records

CWGC Data for Soldier Records

Surname: EWART

Forename(s): Robert

Country of Service: United Kingdom

Service Number: 167696

Rank: Gunner

Regiment: Royal Garrison Artillery

Unit: 196th Siege Bty.

Age: 27


Died Date: 06/11/1918

Additional Information: Son of William and Janet Ewart, of Scotland; husband of Emily Ewart, of 6, Maxwell Avenue, Batley Carr, Batley, Yorks. (CWGC Headstone Personal Inscription: RESR IN PEACE)

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Newspaper Article (1918)



Gunner Robert Ewart (27), R.G.A. (eldest son of ex-Sergt. and Mrs. Ewart, of Thornfields, Savile Town, and formerly of Batley), whose wife and two children live at Oldroyd’s Place, Mount Street, Batley, has died in France from influenza and pneumonia. The news is contained in a letter from a chaplain, who says that Pte. Ewart was admitted into hospital on November 1st and died on the 6th. Pte. Ewart enlisted nearly eighteen months ago, and went to France in April of this year. Before joining the Army he was a firer in the employ of Messrs. J. Newsome and Sons, Batley Carr, and was a member of the Dewsbury branch of the Engineers and Firers’ Association. He attended St. Andrew’s Church, Batley, and was a well-known member of the Batley Carr Working Men’s Club. Pte. Robert Ewart is the third of a family of seven soldier brothers to pay the supreme sacrifice, Pte Willie Ewart died of wounds in June, 1916, and Gunner James Ewart also died of wounds in October of last year. Three brothers are still serving–Tom, who is at present with the Forces in India; John, who is serving in France; and Alec, who is training in England; while yet another brother, Eddie, has been discharged from the Army.

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Additional Photo(s) For Soldier Records

Marriage Register of St Andrew’s Church, Purlwell, Yorkshire

Marriage Register of St Andrew’s Church, Purlwell, Yorkshire

Entry for the marriage of Robert Ewart to Emily Clegg, 12 May 1913

Courtesy of West Yorkshire Archive Service

Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille

Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille

CWGC Headstone

Courtesy of Colin Chadwick, Harrogate

View Craven Herald Articles

View Craven Herald Articles

Craven Herald and Wensleydale Standard Logo

02 November 1917


Deep sympathy will be felt for Police Sergeant and Mrs. Ewart, of Batley, two of whose six sons have been killed at the Front. Their son, Private William Ewart, fell in action in June 1916, and now Gunner James Ewart, R.F.A., has died in France. Of the four other sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart still with the forces, Gunner Tom Ewart, R.F.A., is in India recovering from fever contracted in Mesopotamia. He has also seen service in France. Private John Ewart is in France with the K.O.Y.L.I., and Gunner Robert Ewart, R.G.A., and Private Ed. Ewart, Queen’s Yorkshire Dragoons, are in training in England. Police-Sergeant and Mrs. Ewart will be well remembered when the sergeant was a policeman at Settle and lived at the Police Station not many years ago. Most of these soldier sons will be remembered by Settle people.

View West Yorkshire Pioneer Articles

View West Yorkshire Pioneer Articles

West Yorkshire Pioneer Logo

02 November 1917


A FORMER SETTLE POLICEMAN’S SACRIFICE – Deep sympathy will be felt for Police Sergeant and Mrs. Ewart, of Batley, two of whose six sons have been killed at the front. Their son, Private William Ewart, fell in action in June, 1916, and now Gunner James Ewart. R.F.A., has died in France. Of the four other sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart still with the forces, Gunner Tom Ewart, R.F.A., is in India recovering from fever contracted in Mesopotamia. He has also seen service in France. Private John Ewart is in France with the K.O.Y.L.I., and Gunner Robert Ewart, R.G.A., and Private George Ed. Ewart, Queen’s Yorkshire Dragoons, are in training in England. Police Sergeant and Mrs. Ewart will be well remembered when the sergeant was a policeman at Settle and lived at the Police Station not many years ago. Most of these soldier sons will be remembered by the Settle people.

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