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Surname: DUCKETT

Forename(s): Tom

Place of Birth: Grassington, Yorkshire

Service No: 40362

Rank: Private

Regiment / Corps / Service: Prince of Wales’s (North Staffordshire Regiment)

Battalion / Unit: 8th (Service) Battalion

Division: 19th (Western) Division

Age: 20

Date of Death: 1918-11-24

Awards: ---

CWGC Grave / Memorial Reference: X. B. 5A.


CWGC Memorial: ---

Non-CWGC Burial: ---



Additional Information:

Tom Duckett was the son of Thomas and Annie Louisa Duckett, née Coward. Thomas was born at Threshfield, Yorkshire and Annie at Millom, Cumberland.

1901 Bishopdale Entire, Yorkshire Census: New House Gill - Tom Duckett, aged 2 years, born Grassington, Yorkshire, son of Thomas and Annie Louisa Duckett.

1911 Grassington, Yorkshire Census: Tom Duckett, aged 13 years, born Grassington, son of Annie Duckett, widow.

British Army WW1 Medal Rolls Index Cards: Pte Tom Duckett, 40362, N. Staff. R.

British Army WW1 Medal and Award Rolls: Pte Tom Duckett, 40362, 2/6 N. Staff. R.; 8/N. Staff. R.

Army Registers of Soldiers' Effects: Pte Tom Duckett, 40362, 8th (S) Bn North Staffs. Date and Place of Death: 24.11.18. France. Wounds. To whom Authorised/Amount Authorised: Mother - Annie L. £16 17s. 2d.

UK, WW1 Pension Ledgers and Index Cards, 1914-1923: card(s) exist for Tom. Name(s) on card(s): Dependant: Mrs Annie Louisa Duckett. Relationship: Mother. Address: 5, Midland Terrace, Frizinghall, Bradford.

Tom is commemorated in the 'City of Bradford Great War 1914-1918 Roll of Honour'.

Tom's sister, Violet Mary (see ‘Craven Herald’ In Memoriam section), married Ernest Ellis in 1923, at Frizinghall, Bradford, Yorkshire.

A short biography of Tom is included in: ‘Swaledale & Wharfedale Remembered – Aspects of Dales’ life through peace and war’ by Keith Taylor (2006).

See also: ‘Silva Gars’ by John Crowther (1930).

Data Source: Craven’s Part in the Great War - original CPGW book entry

View Entry in CPGW Book

Entry in West Yorkshire Pioneer Illustrated War Record:

DUCKETT, Corporal T., [Grassington], aged 20, died from wounds Nov. 24, 1918.


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Private Tom DUCKETT

Private Tom DUCKETT

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: Prince of Wales’s (North Staffordshire Regiment)

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: Prince of Wales’s (North Staffordshire Regiment)

Divisional Sign / Service Insignia: 19th (Western) Division

Divisional Sign / Service Insignia: 19th (Western) Division

Data from Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 - 1919 Records

Soldiers Died Data for Soldier Records

Surname: DUCKETT

Forename(s): Tom



Enlisted: Bradford

Number: 40362

Rank: Private

Regiment: Prince of Wales's (North Staffordshire Regiment)

Battalion: 8th Battalion


Died Date: 24/11/18

Died How: Died of wounds

Theatre of War: France & Flanders


Data from Commonwealth War Graves Commission Records

CWGC Data for Soldier Records

Surname: DUCKETT

Forename(s): T

Country of Service: United Kingdom

Service Number: 40362

Rank: Lance Corporal

Regiment: North Staffordshire Regiment

Unit: 8th Bn.



Died Date: 24/11/1918

Additional Information:



View Craven Herald Articles

View Craven Herald Articles

Craven Herald and Wensleydale Standard Logo

07 December 1917


Pte. Tom Duckett, son of the late Mr. Thos. Duckett, of Grassington, is in hospital in the Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, suffering with trench fever. He is reported to be doing nicely.

Private Christopher Chapman is in hospital in France, being wounded in the chest.

08 November 1918


Corporal Tom Duckett has been severely wounded in both thighs and abdomen, and is in hospital in the South of France. About a year ago he was, in a Glasgow hospital suffering from trench fever, and on his discharge from hospital was, sent on to the Italian front, where he was wounded.

06 December 1918

DUCKETT – Died on the 24th November, from gunshot wounds received in action on the 24th September, Corporal Tom Duckett, only son of the late Mr. Thomas Duckett, of Grassington, and Mrs. Annie Duckett, of 5 Midland Terrace, Frizinghall, aged 20 years. – From his sorrowing Mother and Sister, 5 Midland Terrace, Frizinghall, Bradford.

DUCKETT – Died of wounds received in action in France. Corporal Tom Duckett, only son of the late Mr. Thomas Duckett, of Grassington, and Mrs. Annie Duckett, 5 Midland Terrace, Frizinghall, Bradford.

06 December 1918


We regret to hear of the death on November 24th, from wounds received in action on September 24th, of Corporal Tom Duckett, only son of the late Mr. Thomas Duckett, of Grassington, and Mrs. Annie Duckett, of 5 Midland Terrace, Frizinghall, Bradford, aged 20 years. He was drafted out to France on the 31st July, 1917, at the age of 19, and was invalided over to the Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, in November of the same year, with trench fever, and after a few months’ stay in England was drafted out to France again on the 9th September this year. He had only been in France a fortnight when he was very seriously wounded and suffered terrible pain up to the time of his death. He was a boy very well known and very highly respected, and our sympathy is extended to his mother and sister, who are left to mourn the loss of a fine son.

13 December 1918

GRASSINGTON – The Late Corporal T. Duckett

Corporal T. Duckett, whose photograph we reproduce, died from wounds on November 24th, as stated in our last week’s issue. He was the only son of the late Mr. Thos. Duckett, of Grassington, and Mrs. Annie Duckett of Midland Terrace, Frizinghall, Bradford, and was 20 years of age.

28 November 1919

DUCKETT – In loving memory of our dearly loved and only son and brother. Lance-Corporal Tom Duckett, 8th North Staffordshire Regiment, who died from wounds in France, November 24th, 1918.

God alone knows what the parting cost me
When in France I bid you good-bye;
Cruel duty took me from your side,
And left you alone to die.

From his loving Mother.

Dear brother, rest on.
Your cruel duty has nobly been done.

From his loving Sister Violet, 5 Midland Terrace, Frizinghall.

DUCKETT – In proud and dearest memory of Corporal Tom Duckett who died of wounds November 24th, 1918, aged 20 years.

He came before the battle, just to say good-bye,
So we think of him the same and say
He is not dead, but just away.

Ever remembered by Cousin Clara, Fred, and Family, Grassington.

26 November 1920

DUCKETT – In loving memory of our dearly loved only son and brother, Corpl. Tom Duckett, died of wounds, Nov. 24th, 1918, aged 20 years.

We miss you from the old fireside
Where once you used to sit
And talk about the friends you knew
Who had gone to do their bit.
But now you have done your duty too,
For honour and for right,
We try to cheer each other up
By keeping memories bright.

From his loving Mother and Sister Violet, 5 Midland Terrace, Frizinghall.

03 December 1920

DUCKETT – In loving memory of my dear cousin, Corporal Tom Duckett, died of wounds November 24th, 1918.

Yet our reason forbids us to sorrow,
Sweet memories soften the pain,
And the life he gave for his country
Was our loss that others might gain.

Dearly loved by Cousin Clara, Grassington.

25 November 1921

DUCKETT – In loving remembrance of our dearly loved son and brother, Tom, who died from wounds in France, Nov. 24th, 1918, in his 21st year. Also Thomas Duckett, father of the above, who died Feb. 15th, 1911.

Nothing but memories as we journey on,
Longing for a smile from the faces which have gone.

From dear Mother and Sister, Violet, 5 Midland Terrace, Frizinghall.

DUCKETT – In loving memory of my dear Cousin, Cpl. Tom Duckett, who died of wounds in France, Nov. 24th, 1918.

“To memory ever dear.”

Cousin Clara, Fred and Family, Grassington.

View West Yorkshire Pioneer Articles

View West Yorkshire Pioneer Articles

West Yorkshire Pioneer Logo

07 December 1917


WOUNDED SOLDIERS – Pte. Tom Duckett, son of the late Mr. Thos. Duckett, of Grassington, is in hospital in the Royal Infirmary Glasgow, suffering from trench fever. He is reported to be doing nicely. Pte. Christopher Chapman is in hospital in France, being wounded in the chest.

08 November 1918

Grassington Soldier Wounded in Italy

Corpl. Tom Duckett (Grassington), of the North Staffordshire Regiment, while serving with the forces in Italy, has been severely wounded in the thighs and abdomen. He is at present in hospital in the south of France. He has previously spent some considerable time in Glasgow hospital suffering from trench fever, contracted on the Western front.

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