Main CPGW Record
Surname: FANTOM
Forename(s): William
Place of Birth: Holbeck (Leeds), Yorkshire
Service No: 82918
Rank: Sergeant
Regiment / Corps / Service: Royal Garrison Artillery
Battalion / Unit: 151st Heavy Battery
Division: ---
Age: ---
Date of Death: 1920-01-06
Awards: ---
CWGC Grave / Memorial Reference: ---
CWGC Cemetery: ---
CWGC Memorial: ---
Additional Information:
William Fantom alias Bedford (born 18 May 1892) was the son of William and Mary Ellen Fantom, formerly Bedford, née Crosswaite. Both parents were born at Holbeck, Yorkshire. Mary Ellen Crosswaite married George William Bedford in 1884.
1901 Holbeck, Yorkshire Census: 3, Chancery Court - William Fantom, aged 9 years, born Holbeck, son of William Fantom. [Mary Ellen Bedford, aged 38, housekeeper, also living at this address, is the mother of William Fantom's four children named in the census. William and Mary Ellen married on the 11 September 1904.]
1911 Holbeck, Yorkshire Census: 24, Mackenzie Street - William Fantom, aged 18 years, born Holbeck, son of Mary Ellen Fantom, widow.
The British Army Service Record for William Fantom exists but may be incomplete.
The British Army Pension Record for William Fantom exists but may be incomplete.
British Army WW1 Medal Rolls Index Cards: Sjt William Fantom, 82918, R.G.A. Discharged 7.3.18. [William received the Silver War Badge.]
British Army WW1 Medal and Award Rolls: Sgt William Fantom, 82918, 201 Hvy. Bty. R.G.A.
UK, WW1 Pension Ledgers and Index Cards, 1914-1923: Sgt William Fantom alias Bedford, 82918, R.G.A. Date and cause of death; 6.1.20. Disease. Dependant: Mrs Mary Ellen Fantom. Relationship: Mother. Address: 6, Pheasant Grove, Holbeck, Leeds.
William was living at Hellifield when he attested at Keighley, Yorkshire, on 1 December 1915. His next-of-kin was his mother Mary Ellen Fantom, of 34 Town Gate, Holbeck, Leeds. He was mobilised on the 19 May 1916 and discharged with neurasthenia (shell shock) on the 7 March 1918 and received a pension for this. His record states: Went to France Jan. 1917. On April 10, 1917 was knocked out by Shell explosion while Battery was being pushed forward.
Data Source: Local War Memorial
Entry in West Yorkshire Pioneer Illustrated War Record: ---
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