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Surname: FOSTER

Forename(s): Ernest

Place of Birth: Long Preston, Yorkshire

Service No: 265646

Rank: Corporal

Regiment / Corps / Service: Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment)

Battalion / Unit: 1/6th Battalion

Division: 49th (West Riding) Division

Age: 29

Date of Death: 1918-05-04

Awards: ---

CWGC Grave / Memorial Reference: II. C. 3.


CWGC Memorial: ---

Non-CWGC Burial: ---

Local War Memorial: SETTLE, YORKSHIRE

Local War Memorial: SKIPTON, YORKSHIRE

Additional Information:

Ernest Foster was the son of Eli and Elizabeth Ann Foster, née Marsden. Eli was born at Long Preston, Yorkshire and Elizabeth at Salford, Lancashire. Ernest was the cousin of Private Leonard Foster (35073) (q.v.).

1891 Long Preston, Yorkshire Census: The Concrete - Ernest Foster, aged 2 years, born Long Preston, son of Eli and Eliz. Ann Foster.

1901 Settle, Yorkshire Census: Junction House - Ernest Foster, aged 12 years, born Long Preston, Yorkshire, son of Eli and Elizabeth A. Foster.

1911 Settle, Yorkshire Census: Kirkgate - Ernest Foster, aged 22 years, born Long Preston, Yorkshire, son of Eli and Elizabeth Ann Foster.

Ernest was married to Doris Elizabeth Harling (born Gargrave, Yorkshire) in 1915. Doris married Thomas Henry Bradley (born Settle) in 1919.

British Army WW1 Medal Rolls Index Cards: Cpl Ernest Foster, 2614, 265646, 1/6 W. Rid. R. Theatre of War first served in: (1) [France]. Date of entry therein: 29.6.15.

British Army WW1 Medal and Award Rolls: Cpl Ernest Foster, 265646, 1/6 W. Rid. R. D. of W. 4.5.18.

Army Registers of Soldiers' Effects: Cpl Ernest Foster, 265646, 1/6th Bn W. Riding. Date and Place of Death: 4.5.18. France. To whom Authorised/Amount Authorised: Widow and Sole Legatee - Doris E. £15 10s. 2d. War Gratuity: Widow [and] Sole Legatee - Doris E. Bradley. £18 0s. 0d.

UK, WW1 Pension Ledgers and Index Cards, 1914-1923: card(s) exist for Ernest. Name(s) on card(s): Widow: D. E. Foster, born 15.7.92. Address 1. C/o Mrs Thornton, 3, Hinds [Hirds] Yard, Cross Street, Skipton. Address 2. The Shambles, Market Place, Skipton [Settle]. Children: Ruby Laycock Harling. Illegitimate child, born 6.1.13. Irene Foster, born 29.8.17.

The 1921 Census shows that Doris, her daughters, Ruby, Irene, husband Thomas and their children, Joyce and William E. were living at The Shambles, Settle. The 1939 Register shows that Doris, Thomas and several of the children were living at 21, Marshfield Road, Settle. Doris died in 1947.

See also: ‘Guiseley Terriers: A Small Part in The Great War – A History of the 1/6th Battalion, Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding) Regiment’ by Stephen Barber (2018).

Data Source: Craven’s Part in the Great War - original CPGW book entry

View Entry in CPGW Book

Entry in West Yorkshire Pioneer Illustrated War Record:

FOSTER, Cpl. Ernest, West Riding Regiment, 11, Waller Hill, Skipton, died of wounds May 4, 1918.


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Corporal Ernest FOSTER

Corporal Ernest FOSTER

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment)

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment)

Divisional Sign / Service Insignia: 49th (West Riding) Division

Divisional Sign / Service Insignia: 49th (West Riding) Division

Data from Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 - 1919 Records

Soldiers Died Data for Soldier Records

Surname: FOSTER

Forename(s): Ernest



Enlisted: Settle, Yorks

Number: 265646

Rank: Cpl

Regiment: Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment)

Battalion: 1/6th Battalion


Died Date: 04/05/18

Died How: Died of wounds

Theatre of War: France & Flanders


Data from Commonwealth War Graves Commission Records

CWGC Data for Soldier Records

Surname: FOSTER

Forename(s): Ernest

Country of Service: United Kingdom

Service Number: 265646

Rank: Corporal

Regiment: Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment)

Unit: 1st/6th Bn.

Age: 29


Died Date: 04/05/1918

Additional Information: Husband of Doris E. Bradley (formerly Foster), of 4, Shambles Market Place, Settle, Yorks.

View Additional Text

View Additional Text For Soldier Records

War Diary of the 1/6th Battalion Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment)

3 MAY 1918

MILLEKRUISSE. The day passed quietly. Final orders were received for forthcoming relief by the French. At 8.30 p.m. a heavy barrage was put down on Front Line and on roads and back areas. Our S.O.S. was sent up on right and left. Reports received from Front Line Battns stated that no attack had taken place. The situation had quietened by 10 p.m.

4 MAY 1918

MILLEKRUISSE. Battn relieved by 3rd Battn French 80th Regt. and marched to Camp 39. Porridge and Tea were served to the men on arrival and everyone rested until 10 a.m. At 4p.m. Battn marched to Camp at ST JANS TER BIEZEN which was reached at about 6.30 p.m.


View Craven Herald Articles

View Craven Herald Articles

Craven Herald and Wensleydale Standard Logo

17 May 1918

Corporal Ernest Foster, Skipton

Corporal Ernest Foster, West Riding Regiment, whose wife and two children live at 11 Waller Hill, Skipton, has died of wounds received in action in France on May 4th. He was one of the four soldier sons of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Foster, 9 Halsteads Cottages, Settle, and was mobilised with the Territorials at the outbreak of war and had been in France three years. Twenty-nine years of age, he was formerly a miner at the Ingleton Colliery. His three soldier brothers are:– Lance-Corporal Eli Foster (in France), Private Harold Foster, R.A.M.C. (in Palestine), and Private Arthur Foster, West Yorkshire Regiment.

View West Yorkshire Pioneer Articles

View West Yorkshire Pioneer Articles

West Yorkshire Pioneer Logo

17 May 1918

FOSTER – Died of wounds May 4th, Corpl. Ernest Foster, West Riding Regiment, husband of Mrs. Foster, of 11, Waller Hill, Skipton, aged 29.

17 May 1918


Corporal Ernest Foster, Skipton

Corpl. Ernest Foster, West Riding Regiment, whose wife and two children live at 11, Waller Hill, Skipton, has died of wounds received in action in France on May 4th. He was one of the four soldier sons of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Foster, 9, Halsteads Cottages, Settle, and was mobilised with the Territorials at the outbreak of war and had been in France three years. Twenty-nine, years of age , he was formerly a miner at the Ingleton Colliery. His three soldier brothers are Lance-Corpl. Eli Foster (in France), Pte. Harold Foster, R.A.M.C. (in Palestine), and Pte. Arthur Foster, West Yorkshire Regiment.

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