15 March 1918
BAILEY - Herbert Heaton Bailey, the beloved son of James and Amelia Bailey, of Sunny Mount, Silsden, in the Military Isolation Hospital, Tring, on March 6th, 1918.
15 March 1918
The death of Pte. Herbert Heaton Bailey, of the R.A.M.C., son of Mr. and Mrs James Bailey, of 99, Bolton Road, Silsden, took place at the Military Isolation Hospital, Tring, Hertfordshire, on Wednesday of last week. Prior to joining the army in June last year, Pte. Bailey was engaged for six months on substitution work. When nineteen years of age he was called to the colours and went to Hornsea, where to was attached to the Training Reserve Battalion. From Hornsea he went to Catterick Bridge, and then to Strensall, where he was attached to the R.A.M.C. He was later sent into training at Blackpool, and while there he contracted a slight attack of pneumonia, and was in hospital about five weeks. On his recovery he came home on leave, and was then sent to Aylesbury, where he was engaged in hospital work, the latter part of his time being spent at the Isolation Ward. Here he was stricken with scarlet fever and was sent into hospital at Tring. Pneumonia also returned, and his death was due to the complication of the two diseases. He was formerly a student at the Keighley Trade and Grammar School, and on leaving school at the age of 15, he entered the employment of Messrs. Hill, Benson, and Bailey, manufacturers, Silsden, of which firm his father is a partner. He continued his education at the Evening Classes at the Keighley Technical School, and in 1915 he won the Drapers' Exhibition valued at £10 a year for two years, while in 1917 he won the London and City and Guilds' first bronze medal for woollen and worsted weaving and the Cloth Workers' Company's first prize of £2 10s. He was of a studious disposition and had a very promising future before him. The news of his death has been received with deep feeling and regret, he being a young man who was held in highest regard by everyone who knew him. He was a member of the Silsden Bethesda United Methodist Church, a teacher in the Sunday. School, and secretary of the Young Worshipers' League. The funeral took place at Silsden on Saturday afternoon, the officiating ministers being Rev. F.H.J. Thornton and Rev. R. Key. There was a large attendance including representatives from the Silsden Church and Sunday School, the various churches in the circuit, and from the firm of Messrs. Hill, Benson and Bailey. The male teachers at the Sunday-school acted as bearers. A large number of floral tributes were sent, including those from the United Methodist Church and Sunday-school, and the employees of the firm where Pte. Bailey was formerly employed. A memorial service was held on Sunday morning. Rev. R.R. Key preaching from the text, "All things work together for good to them that love God," Romans, chapter 8, verse 28, said that that morning it was not for Herbert Heaton Bailey himself that they mourned, and his transition from the earthly scenes to the heavenly; they must view and include amongst "the all things" hard though it was for them to do so. Everyone of them desired his life, but God had permitted his earthly work to finish. He had called him to a larger and fuller service and a higher ministry. It was difficult for them to believe that his earthly work was done, but like the Master he carefully and trustfully followed, he accomplished much in little time. They thought of the work he had undertaken in the church and school, of his devotion to his Sunday-school class, and as secretary of the Young Worshippers' League. They thought also the ability that he displayed in the textile world, and the success he won there. For him there seemed to be a brilliant future. But his was not to be earthly service. God saw that he was fit for the heavenly service. How beautiful and simple was the Christian faith of Herbert, how his child-like trust made doubt impossible for them. His was a winning personality, genial and humble, and he was a lover of his home and kindred. He possessed a large soul in a not over strong body, and in doing the work of the R.A.M.C. in hospital he was placed in a position of danger as great as in the field of battle. It was well nigh impossible to take cover against disease germs, but in the hospital he ministered and cared for his fellow soldiers without murmur or complaint, and by falling at the post of duty Herbert had given his life as truly as those who fell on the actual field of battle. One word seemed to sum up the character of their dear departed brother, and that was "thoroughness." Herbert could not rest satisfied with second place accomplishment. All that he did he did well. Although he had gone from them he lived more a truly amongst them. He had left behind a fragrant memory. His influence lived, and would live on to the end. His death would ever make them think and live more truly, and live nearer to the Master he so loyally served. It was a hard stroke for them all to bear, and especially for the family of their stricken friend. Words could not express all that they felt for the bereaved parents, but they could be assured of the heartfelt sympathy of that church. During the service the hymns 'O God our help in ages past,' 'For all the Saints who from their labours rest,' 'Rest of the weary,' 'The light of life' (a favourite hymn of the deceased) and 'Jesu lover of my soul' were sung, and at the close the organist (Miss May Longbottom) played the 'Dead March' in 'Saul.'
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