Main CPGW Record
Surname: JACKSON
Forename(s): Joseph
Place of Birth: Bentham, Yorkshire
Service No: 14402
Rank: Private
Regiment / Corps / Service: King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment)
Battalion / Unit: 7th (Service) Battalion
Division: 19th (Western) Division
Age: 20
Date of Death: 1916-07-04
Awards: ---
CWGC Grave / Memorial Reference: Pier and Face 5 D and 12 B.
CWGC Cemetery: ---
Non-CWGC Burial: ---
Additional Information:
Joseph Jackson was the son of Matthew and Mary Jackson, née Dawson and brother of Isaac Jackson, Munitions Worker (q.v.). Their father was born at Heysham, Lancashire and mother at Bentham, Yorkshire.
1901 Bentham, Yorkshire Census: Main Street - Joseph Jackson, aged 5 years, born Bentham, son of Matthew and Mary Jackson.
1911 Bentham, Yorkshire Census: Main Street - Joseph Jackson, aged 15 years, born Bentham, son of Matthew and Mary Jackson.
British Army WW1 Medal Rolls Index Cards: Pte Joseph Jackson, 14402, Royal Lancaster Regiment. Theatre of War: (1) France. Qualifying date [for 1914-15 Star]: 17 July 1915.
A short biography of Joseph is included in: ‘Bentham’s Part in the Great War 1914-18’ by Allan and Marilyn Hartley (2019).
Data Source: Craven’s Part in the Great War - original CPGW book entry
View Entry in CPGW BookEntry in West Yorkshire Pioneer Illustrated War Record:
JACKSON, Lance Corporal Joe, aged 20, King’s Own Rifles, youngest son of Mr. Matthew Jackson, [Bentham], killed in action in France, July 1916.
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Private Joseph JACKSON

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment)

Divisional Sign / Service Insignia: 19th (Western) Division
Data from Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 - 1919 Records
Soldiers Died Data for Soldier Records
Surname: JACKSON
Forename(s): Joseph
Born: Bentham, Yorks
Enlisted: Lancaster
Number: 14402
Rank: Private
Regiment: King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment)
Battalion: 7th Battalion
Died Date: 04/07/16
Died How: Killed in action
Theatre of War: France & Flanders
Data from Commonwealth War Graves Commission Records
CWGC Data for Soldier Records
Surname: JACKSON
Forename(s): Joseph
Country of Service: United Kingdom
Service Number: 14402
Rank: Private
Regiment: King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment)
Unit: 7th Bn.
Died Date: 04/07/1916
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BRITISH BATTALIONS ON THE SOMME, by Ray Westlake (Pen & Sword Books Limited 1994)
7th (Service) Bn. King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment)
Moved forward from Hénencourt Wood (30/6) and at 7.30 a.m. (1/7) took over support positions in Tara-Usna Line for attack on Ovillers. Took over line at La Boisselle (3/7) Attacked 8.30 a.m. (4/7) – moving forward up 3 communication trenches, assault held up by strong machine gun fire from positions north-east of village. New line taken up and consolidated about 300 yards in advance. Relieved and to Tara-Usna Line (5/7).
[Joseph Jackson was killed on the 4th July 1916.]
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The High & Low Bentham men who gave their lives
Top row (l-r): Rfn Ernest Knight Newhouse, Pte John Thornber, Reverend Theodore Bayley Hardy, Pte Richard Wilson, Pte Maurice Richard Bolton, Lieut John Barclay Clibborn, Pte William Throup, Pte Richard Wilcock Carr, A/Cpl William Robinson, Pte James Auton, Pte William Savage. Third row (l-r): L/Cpl David Percival Dixon, Pte John Emmott, Pte Francis Richard Townson, Pte John Adamthwaite, Pte Robert Carter, L/Cpl John Hutchinson, Pte Alfred Edward Gunn, Pte Ezra Stephenson, Pte Edwin Rawlinson Smith, Pte Richard Wearing, Lieut Basil William Ramsbotton. Third row (l-r): Spr Robert Clark, Act L/Cpl Thomas Wilcock, Cpl William Carr, Pte Lawrence Lancelot Dowbiggin, Pte Edward Magoolagan, Pte Isaac Rucastle, Pte Henry Taylor, Cpl Edward Ramskill, L/Cpl Edward Walton Briscoe, Pte Joseph Jackson, Gnr Ernest Wilcock. Fourth row (l-r): Capt Donald Morrison, Sgt Arthur Dean Blackburn, Pte James William Bell, Pte Leonard Nelson, L/Cpl John Edward Leeming, L/Cpl Albert Lister, Pte Percy Preston Whitfield, Cpl Tom Harry Smith, Cpl Thomas Walker Sanderson, Sgt William Patrick Tobin, Pte (Signaller) W. Wilkinson.
Courtesy of the artist, David Hartnup
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View Craven Herald Articles

07 May 1915
HIGH BENTHAM – News from the Front
Several letters and post cards from boys at the front state that they are fit and well. – Private Joe Jackson, son of Mr. Matthew Jackson, came from Tidwell to pay a short visit home before going out to the front, and returned on Wednesday. Corporal Turner, the only son of Mr. James Turner, of the Army Service Corps, is home on a short furlough, and Pte. R. Wearing, son of Mr. John Wearing, is enjoying an extended leave through being kicked by his horse. He is in the transport section of the 5th King’s Own. – Mr. Wilfred Wells has joined the Sportsman’s Battalion.
25 February 1916
Four Bentham boys belonging to the Blue Cross Corps visited their home last weekend:– Corp. William Carr, Pts. Arthur Taylor, J. Crayston and John Kidd. Pte. Joseph Jackson of the 6th King’s Own, son of Mr. Matthew Jackson, arrived home on Tuesday morning for a week’s furlough. He has been in France for over seven months, and left the trenches on Sunday night. Captain Eccles is also at home on leave, and Lieut. Dow, R.A.M.C. is at home during convalescence.
03 March 1916
Sergeant Robert Harrison R.A.M.C. had a weekend furlough at home this week and looks fit and well. He has volunteered for service in West Africa and he and Pte. Joe Jackson had quite a send off on Sunday night. The latter returned to his Regiment at Neuve Chapelle. Lieut. Eccles is home on short furlough this week and looks well.
21 July 1916
JACKSON – Killed in action in France, Lance-Corporal Joe Jackson, youngest son of Mr. Matthew Jackson, Bentham, aged 20 years.
21 July 1916
On the 13th inst., Mrs. Edward Wilcock, of Highfield Terrace, Low Bentham, received a letter from her sixth son, Drummer Reuben Wilcock, of the 7th King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, which stated that he had been slightly wounded in the calf of one of his legs. At the time of writing he was in hospital and was going on very well. Further news was received from him last Saturday stating that he had returned to the trenches.
In one of his letters he referred to the death in action of one of his chums, Pte Joe Jackson, of Bentham, who, he said, was killed in an awful fight.
Before the war Drummer Wilcock was very popular at both High and Low Bentham as a footballer and cricketer. He joined his regiment on September 4th, 1914, at Lancaster, and he left England for France about a year ago. Before enlisting he was employed by Messrs. Geo. Angus & Co., Limited, of High Bentham.
Three other brothers are serving:–Gunner Ernest Wilcock in the Royal Garrison Artillery, Lance-Corpl. John Wilcock in the 2/6th Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment, and Pte. Alex. Wilcock in the R.A.M.C.
21 July 1916
News reached Bentham on Thursday the 13th that Lance-Corporal Joe Jackson had been killed on the 5th of July in the big push in France. It was contained in a letter from one of his pals, Pte. Dick Wearing, to his mother, as follows:–
“July 10th, 1916 – Dear Mrs. Jackson, just a few lines to let you know that poor Joe has been killed. I was up at the Company this morning and his Platoon Sergeant told me about him. I was so sorry because there was only Joe and Reuben Wilcock and me from Bentham. Wilcock has been wounded too. So I thought I would just write a few lines to you and let you know. I did not know whether Reuben had written to tell you or not. I thought a lot of Joe. I was talking to him the night before he was killed and he was in the best of health and said he would come down to see me when he came out of the trenches. It is terrible where our lads are in the trenches for shellfire. I can’t tell you any more at this time. From R. Wearing, 7th King’s Own.”
Deceased was a well-known member of the Bentham Cricket team, and also a member of the St. Margaret’s football team which played in the Craven League. He was one of three pals who left their looms at the cotton mill, and on the 5th September, 1914 went to the North of Scotland, Fort George, to join the Seaforth Highlanders only to find that regiment closed to all but Scots. Not to be outdone they joined the King’s Own on their return, and one lost his life in the Dardanelles a year ago – Teddy Magoolagan; and the other, Billy Sanderson, Bentham’s bowler, was invalided home. This makes the sixth Bentham youth to lay down his life in his Country’s cause.
He was the youngest son of Mr. Matthew Jackson, a carrier for Wilcock & Co, of Bentham, and great sympathy has been expressed to his bereaved parents, for the lad was a great favourite. He was 20 on the 20th February last, and on that day got 10 days’ furlough to come home. He returned on the last Sunday in February to the trenches in France, and had quite a send-off. He had a presentiment that he would not return, for whilst at a friend’s house he said he “thought a shell would be landing some day with his number on it”.
16 November 1917
The second memorial service for soldiers killed at the Front was held at St. Margaret’s Church on Sunday afternoon. The sacred edifice was well filled by parishioners of every shade of religious and political opinions. The Vicar (the Rev. G. H. C. Bartley) officiated, and the service was choral, commencing with the opening sentences of the burial service, chanted, as a processional with the Union Jack was carried in front, draped with violet. Between the lessons the choir gave the anthem, ‘I heard a voice from Heaven’ very beautifully, and the Vicar read out the names of the fifteen heroes who have laid down their lives from the parish, as well as the three who are missing, and supposed killed, as follows:– Captain D. Morrison; Private Ed. Magoolaghan; Lance Corporal Joe Jackson; Captain S. C. Bartley (the Vicar’s brother); Corporal E. Leeming; Private Tom Wilcock; Captain G. G. Eccles; Private Ezra Stevenson; Private Len Nelson; Captain Pollard; Private Percy Whitfield (N.Z.); Corporal Wm. Robinson; Corporal Harry Smith; Corporal R. Clarke (missing); Private Lancelot Dowbiggin; Private Ed. Briscoe; Private Edwin Smith.
As the names were read out many tears were shed at the memory of the loved ones ‘Gone West’. Then followed an excellent sermon by the Vicar from the words ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend’, at the conclusion of which Miss V. Stubbs played the ‘Dead March’ whilst the congregation remained standing. The recessional hymn was ‘For all the Saints’, and at the close the organist played ‘I know that my Redeemer liveth’ as a voluntary. The entire service was of a very impressive character.
View West Yorkshire Pioneer Articles
View West Yorkshire Pioneer Articles

21 July 1916
JACKSON – July 4th, in France, Lance-Corporal Joe Jackson, of Bentham.
21 July 1916
The news reached Bentham on Thursday of last week from the Front that Lance-Corporal Joe Jackson had been killed on the 5th. It was contained in a letter from Pte. R. Wearing, another Bentham lad, to Mrs. Jackson, as follows:– “Just a few lines to let you know that poor Joe has been killed. I was up at the Company this morning and his Platoon Sergeant told me about him. I was so sorry because there was only Joe and Reuben Wilcock and me from Bentham. Wilcock has been wounded too. . . . I was talking to him the night before he was killed and he was in the best of health, and said he would come down to see me when he came out of the trenches. It is terrible where our lads are in the trenches for shellfire.”
The deceased soldier was one of three pals who left their looms on September 5th 1914, and went to Lancaster to join the Seaforth Highlanders. They travelled to the North of Scotland for that purpose, only to find the regiment closed to all but Scots. Not to be outdone they came back to Lancaster and joined the 7th King’s Own. All three were members of the Bentham Cricket team, and of St. Margaret’s Football Club, in the Craven League. This is the sixth Bentham youth to lay down his life in his Country’s cause. Lance Corporal Jackson was the youngest son of Mr. Matthew Jackson of Main Street, Bentham, who has another son in the Army.
Official news was received on Monday morning by Mr. and Mrs. Lister, of Low Bentham, from the Canadian Record Office that their eldest son, Lance-Corp. Albert Lister, of the 7th Battalion Canadians, who was previously reported missing, was killed on June 3rd. He was an old scholar of the Bentham Parochial School, and prior to emigrating to Canada in March 1912, he was well known in the district as a capital playing member of both the Low Bentham Cricket Club and the Bentham Wanderers Football Club, and in consequence his services were greatly missed. He returned to England about a year ago, and after being stationed at Shorncliffe Camp for nine weeks he left for France.
Last week, Mrs. Edw. Wilcock, of Low Bentham, received word from her sixth son, Drummer R. Wilcock, of the 7th King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment, that he had been slightly wounded in the calf of his leg, but he was progressing favourably. Further word to hand on Saturday stated that he had returned to the trenches.
Another Bentham boy in the person of Pte. Henry Taylor, eldest son of Mr. Duckett Taylor, of the Duke of Wellington’s, was killed on July 6th last. He was in his 20th year.
07 September 1917
OBITUARY – The death of Mr. Isaac Jackson, fourth son of Mr. Matthew Jackson, took place at Bury on Wednesday last. Deceased was engaged on munition work in that town, and contracted munition typhoid. Deceased was married and leaves a wife and one child. The funeral is to take place at Bentham on Saturday next. Deceased’s brother, Joseph, was killed in France last year.
11 November 1917
MEMORIAL SERVICE – The second memorial service for soldiers killed at the front was held at St. Margaret’s Church on Sunday afternoon last. The sacred edifice was well filled by parishioners of every shade of religious and political opinion, and the service was of a solemn and reverent character. The vicar (Rev. G.H.C. Bartley) officiated , and the service was choral. It commenced with the opening sentence of the burial service being chanted as a processional. The Union Jack was carried in front, draped with violets. Between the lessons the choir gave the anthem ‘I heard a voice from Heaven,’ and the Vicar read the names of the 15 dead men belonging to the parish who have laid down their lives, as well as of the three who are missing and supposed killed, viz., Capt. D. Morrison. Pte. Ed Magoolaghan, Lance-Corpl. Joe Jackson, Capt. S.C. Bartley (the Vicar’s brother), Corpl. B. Leeming, Capt. Pollard, Pte. Tom Wilcock, Capt. G.[C.] G. Eccles, Pte. Ezra Stevenson, Pte. Len Nelson, Pte. Percy Whitfield (N.Z.). Corpl. Wm. Robinson, Corpl. Harry Smith, Corpl R. Clark; missing, Pte. Lancelot Dowbiggin, Pte. Ed. Briscoe and Pte. Edwin Smith. Then followed an excellent sermon by the Vicar from the words “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend.” At the conclusion of the sermon Miss V. Stubbs played the ‘Dead march,’ the congregation standing. The processional hymn was ‘For all the saints,’ and at the close the organist played ‘I knew that my Redeemer liveth.’ The service was of a very impressive character throughout.
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