31 December 1915
INGLETON AND THE WAR - The Sixth Fatality
Amongst those who attested at Settle were the following from Ingleton Fells:-
Thomas Faraday, John Faraday, James Parker, John Mason, Robert Lambert, Bryan Chapman, William Middleton, and William Hilton. These names bring the Ingleton Roll of Honour to 231.
Pte. W. Bolton, 6th Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment, was killed by shrapnel some time ago. He is the fifth Ingletonian to lay down his life for his country.
Pte. Stanley Thornber was shot through the chest some weeks ago, the bullet passing above the heart. The bullet has not been extracted, as an operation might prove dangerous.
Pte. Harold Howson, who has been in hospital suffering from trench foot, is at home, and Privates Joe Vickers and J. W. Robinson are at home on furlough from the Front.
News has just been received that Pte Cyril Tomlinson, 21 years of age, has been killed in the trenches by a sniper. He was the eldest son of Pte. Edward Tomlinson, Main Street; and went out to the Front with the 6th Duke of Wellington's Regiment. Immediately on receipt of the sad intelligence, the Union Jack was hoisted half-mast at St. Mary's Church. He is the sixth Ingletonian to give up his life for his King and country. As well as his father he has two brothers and several relatives serving with the forces. His brother-in-law, Pte. H. Routledge, has been gassed and is now in hospital at Lincoln.
Dr. Mackenzie has received a telegram from the War Office intimating that his son, Capt. Gordon Mackenzie, has been wounded in action, but the extent of his injuries is not yet known.
It is also reported that Pte. J. Nash and Pte. J. Waring have been wounded, and Pte. J. Clapham gassed, so that it would appear that the Ingletonians have been in the thick of it recently.
28 July 1916
CLAPHAM - July 7th, killed in action in France, Pte. Joseph Clapham, 9th Duke of Wellington's Regiment, youngest son of Mrs. Clapham, Craven Heifer Inn, Ingleton, aged 32 years.
28 July 1916
Mrs. Clapham, of the Craven Heifer Inn, Ingleton, has had a letter from a nephew, who is somewhere in France, which states that he is very sorry to inform her that her youngest son, Pte. Joseph Clapham, of the 9th Duke of Wellington's, had gone under in a bayonet charge near to Fricourt on July 7th. Pte. Clapham, prior to enlisting, followed the occupation of a gardener, and was very well known and popular. He was of a most versatile nature and has amused audiences for hours. It has been said on many occasions by men who know that he would have made a name for himself had he adopted the music halls as a profession. His loss is greatly regretted, and much sympathy is felt for his widowed mother. Pte. Clapham was 32 years of age.
28 July 1916
During the last few days several Ingletonians have been home on short leave. Sergt. T. Clapham, of the Canadians, who is the eldest son of Mrs. Clapham, Craven Heifer Inn, Ingleton, and brother of Pte. J. Clapham (who is reported killed) has been having a few days' rest prior to crossing for France. Sergt. Clapham, who served in the Boer War, looks remarkably fit. During the past few years he has resided in Canada. Pte. Herbert Routledge, who resides with his wife and family in the Square, Ingleton, is over on six days' leave. Pte. Routledge, who is attached to the Leeds Rifles, has seen much active service in France, and was wounded out there. He has of late been stationed in Ireland, but we understand is now under orders for France.
11 August 1916
Mrs. Clapham, of the Craven Heifer Inn, has received an intimation from the War Office that her son, Pte Joseph Clapham (6th [9th] Duke of Wellington's) is missing. He was previously reported to be killed in the great push.
25 August 1916
Private Joseph Clapham, youngest son of Mrs. Clapham, Craven Heifer Inn, Ingleton, was killed in action July 7th; and Private Ernest Richardson, youngest son of Mrs. John Slinger, Albion House, Ingleton, is reported by the War Office as missing.
01 September 1916
CLAPHAM - Killed in action, July 7, Private Joseph Clapham, Duke of Wellington's Regiment, youngest son of Mrs. Betsy Ann Clapham, Craven Heifer Inn, Ingleton.
01 September 1916
INGLETON - War Items
Private Joseph Clapham, 6th Duke of Wellingtons, the youngest son of Mrs. Betsy Ann Clapham, Craven Heifer Inn, has now been definitely reported to have been killed in action on July 7th.
06 July 1917
CLAPHAM - In loving memory of Private Joseph Robert Clapham, of the 9th West Riding Regiment, the beloved son of Mrs. B. A. Clapham, Craven Heifer Inn, Ingleton, Yorkshire, reported missing from July 7th 1916, afterwards reported "Killed in action."
My son, he died in a foreign land,
With no friend to witness his fall;
And the only thing we see of him
Is his photo upon the wall.
"He did his best and died a hero and a man."
From his ever loving Mother, Brother and Sister.
22 February 1918
A memorial service for Ingleton men who have fallen in the war was held in St. Mary's Church on Sunday evening. There was a large congregation, and the service was of an impressive character. The Union Jack was hoisted half-mast on the tower during the day. At the commencement of the service the organist, Mr. C. Bentham, played 'O rest in the Lord', and at the conclusion the Dead March in 'Saul', 'How bright these glorious spirits shine', and other hymns appropriate to the occasion were sung, as was also the National Anthem. Standing on the Chancel steps, Bugler J. Robinson sounded the 'Last Post', and its solemn and eerie notes reverberated along the aisles.
Before commencing his address, the vicar, the Rev. D. T. Davies, read out the list of those who had fallen, as follows:-
Killed in action: Second-Lieutenant G. Kirk, Sergeant J. Metcalfe, Privates A. Noble, G. Scholey, C. Tomlinson, J. Smith, W. A. Hodgson, J. W. Wadeson, J. W. Robinson, J. Clapham, W. Smith, J. Schofield, J. Kettlewell, W. Marklew, E. Askew, P. Fletcher, G. Metcalfe, A. M. Booth, J. Woodhouse, W. Bolton, and J. [W.H.W.] Wilson.
Died in hospital: Privates W. H. Wignall and C. Newsholme.
Torpedoed: C. Grant.
Missing; Sergeant R. E. Walker, Privates A. Sherwin, W. Northey, E. Robinson, J. Saul, and W. [J.C.] Bradford.
The Vicar, speaking from the words, 'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends', said that the occasion brought them face in face with a question that was momentous to everyone, and the list which he had just read made them pause and ask the question, "Is the cause for which we are fighting of such a nature that these sacrifices are necessary?" They must remind themselves of the causes which led to the war. Our honour was pledged to protect a small country from an oppressing wrong, and we were compelled to stand by them. They were standing to protect a weak country from a fearful wrong committed by one of the strongest nations in the world - from a military point of view the strongest - a nation that was steadily prospering year after year and which had been training its manhood to satisfy its mad ambition for power. It was becoming clear, especially during the last few weeks, that the dominant note running through their proposals had been their determination that might should conquer over right, and that they would rule as masters over the whole world. When they analysed the causes they saw that the principles of justice and righteousness were struggling against oppression and wrong-doing. They had seen an attempt to impose injustice on the whole world, to impose the doctrine that might is right and mercy unknown by the will of one man, and to sweep away religion, man's guidance, in a moment.
11 July 1919
CLAPHAM - In loving memory of Private Joseph Robert Clapham, of the 9th West Riding Regiment, the beloved son of Mrs. B. A. Clapham, Craven Heifer Inn, Ingleton, Yorks., reported missing from July 7th, 1916, afterwards reported killed in action.
Gone from his Mother, but not forgotten,
But Thy will be done.
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