Main CPGW Record
Surname: DICKEY
Forename(s): Robert George Alexander
Place of Birth: Colne, Lancashire
Service No: ---
Rank: Captain
Regiment / Corps / Service: Royal Engineers
Battalion / Unit: 1st Field Survey Coy
Division: ---
Age: 24
Date of Death: 1918-11-14
Awards: ---
CWGC Grave / Memorial Reference: W and V. 37.
CWGC Memorial: ---
Non-CWGC Burial: ---
Additional Information:
Robert George Alexander Dickey (born 20 February 1894) was the son of Archibald Alexander George and Marion Dickey, née Yeates. Archibald was born at Carnowen, Co. Donegal, Ireland and Marion at Whitehaven, Cumberland.
1901 Colne, Lancashire Census: 45, Market Street - Robert G.A. Dickey, aged 7 years, born Colne, son of Archibald A.G. and Marion Dickey.
1911 St. Bees, Cumberland Census: Sanatorium, St. Bees School - Robert G.A. Dickey, aged 17 years, born Colne, Lancashire.
British Army WW1 Medal Rolls Index Cards: 2nd Lt Robert George Alexander Dickey, Manch. R.; Capt 5 Manch. R., T.F. att'd R.E. Theatre of War first served in: 2B [Balkans]. Date of entry therein: 23.7.15. Dec'd 14.11.18. Correspondence: Dr. A.A.G. Dickey M.B.E. Heysham House, 248, Chorley Old Road, Bolton, Lancs.
British Army WW1 Medal and Award Rolls: Capt R.G.A. Dickey, Manchester Regiment. Died (U.K.) 14.11.18.
Army Registers of Soldiers' Effects: Capt R.G.A. Dickey, 5 Bn Manchester. Date and Place of Death: 14.11.18. Died. To whom Issued/Amount: Administrator - Archibald Alexander George Dickey Esq. £346 14s. 3d.
UK, WW1 Pension Ledgers and Index Cards, 1914-1923: card(s) for Robert not found.
A short biography of Robert is included in: ‘A Grammar School at War – The Story of Ermysted’s Grammar School during the Great War’ by Steven Howarth (2007).
Robert is commemorated on the Colne War Memorial.
Photograph: 'Colne & District Roll of Honour & War Record 1914-1919'.
Data Source: Local War Memorial
Entry in West Yorkshire Pioneer Illustrated War Record: ---
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Captain Robert George Alexander DICKEY

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: Royal Engineers
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