‘Burnley Express’ (26 September 1914)
(Kindly supplied by Simon Mount, Sabden)
On Wednesday morning, Mr. William Thompson, of Whalley-road, Sabden, received a telegram to say that his son, Pte. George H. Thompson, of the 1st Coldstream Guards, has been killed. This news came from Pte. Thompson’s wife in Yorkshire. Pte. G.H. Thompson was, at the time of joining his colours, a police constable in Batley.
The dead soldier, whilst residing in Sabden, took an active part in the St. Nicholas’ Church Lads’ Brigade, and was a good attender at the Sunday school. Much sympathy is felt with the bereaved family in the village.
‘Batley News’ (26 September 1914)
(Kindly supplied by Simon Mount, Sabden)
Constable G.H Thompson Falls in Battle
How He Responded to His Country’s Call
(Special to the “News.”)
Batley Borough Police Force is grieving the loss of a gallant comrade in Private George Henry Thompson, of the 1st Coldstream Guards, who has been killed in action on the battlefield of France. Before the outbreak of war he was for four years in Batley Force, being latterly stationed at Hanging Heaton, where he was exceedingly popular. A capable officer, affable and well-conducted, he had a host of friends.
It is not yet known when and where the fine fellow fell, but the casualty lists of officers suggest that it was probably on September 8th, 9th, or 10th, on which days the Coldstreams suffered serious losses in the higher ranks whilst the Germans were being driven back from the Marne.
The news of Thompson’s death was conveyed to his wife in a brief message from the War Office, and she communicated it to the police authorities yesterday morning. She paid a brief visit to her home at Bromley Street, Hanging Heaton, on Tuesday, and returned the same day to Linton, near Grassington, where she has been staying with relatives since her husband’s departure from Batley.
A native of Sabden, near Colne, Thompson served three years in the Coldstream Guards before joining the West Riding Constabulary. He was a sturdily-built young man of 27, of good appearance and well-groomed. His superior officers (Superintendent Barraclough and Inspector Ripley) speak highly of his services.
War was declared shortly before midnight on Tuesday, August 4th, and only a few hours before Thompson was enjoying the entertainment at Dewsbury Empire. A slide was thrown on the screen announcing mobilisation and the desire of the authorities that all Reservists should at once report themselves to their respective depots. The Hanging Heaton constable promptly quitted the music hall to answer the call, leaving Batley, after a brief visit home, by the ten o’clock train that carried the Batley Ambulance Volunteers to Chatham.
Inspector Ripley went to the station to see Thompson off, and the final farewells, with wishes for a safe return–unhappily not to be realised–were uttered by the Inspector and a “Batley News” representative. It was a pathetic feature of the big demonstration at Batley Station that, whilst there was great enthusiasm for the gallant ambulance men, Thompson quitted the town without ostentation. Had the public known that the unostentatious man in mufti who with Constable Allcock (another reservist) travelled in the guard’s van, was going to France in his country’s cause, he would no doubt have been the subject of a vociferous farewell. As it was, his departure was as he himself would have wished it–the quiet goodbye of the man of action.
Thompson rejoined his regiment at Chelsea, and was thence sent to Aldershot, where he was on patrol duty till August 21st, when he left for France.
Writing on the morning of his departure from Aldershot, he said:–
“I am in the pink, but I have lost a lot of flesh since I joined the regiment. It has brought me down to my proper fighting weight. We will give the Germans what for when we get at them. I don’t mind fighting, but it is those whom I have left at home that I think most about.”
On arrival in France the Hanging Heaton soldier was not permitted to disclose his movements or whereabouts, but on September 4th he wrote to Inspector Ripley a post-card (reprinted in the “News”) recording hot days, cold nights, and protracted marches.
That was apparently the last news from the brave Guardsman. He lies in a hallowed grave in a strange land; but his memory will survive with those who knew him, and his name will find a lasting place on Batley’s roll of honour.
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