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Forename(s): Henry

Place of Birth: Nelson, Lancashire

Service No: R/12813

Rank: Rifleman

Regiment / Corps / Service: King’s Royal Rifle Corps

Battalion / Unit: 1st Battalion

Division: 2nd Division

Age: 20

Date of Death: 1916-04-29

Awards: ---

CWGC Grave / Memorial Reference: I. B. 10.


CWGC Memorial: ---

Non-CWGC Burial: ---


Additional Information:

Henry Thornton was the son of William Henry and Margaret Jane Thornton, née Smith and brother of Private Rennie Thornton (241671) (q.v.). Their father was born at Keighley, Yorkshire and mother at Burnley, Lancashire.

1901 Nelson, Lancashire Census: 60, Barkerhouse Road - Henry Thornton, aged 5 years, born Nelson, son of William H. and Margaret J. Thornton.

1911 Nelson, Lancashire Census: 51, Hendon Road - Harry Thornton, aged 15 years, born Nelson, son of William Henry and Margaret Jane Thornton.

The British Army Service Record for Henry Thornton exists but may be incomplete.

British Army WW1 Medal Rolls Index Cards: Pte Henry Thornton, R12813, K.R.Rif.C. Theatre of War first served in (1) France. Date of entry therein: 25.8.15. K. in A.

British Army WW1 Medal and Award Rolls: Pte Henry Thornton, R/12813, 1st Bn K.R.Rif.C.

Army Registers of Soldiers' Effects: Pte Henry Thornton, R12813, 1st Battn K.R.R.Corps. Date and Place of Death: 29.4.16. France. In Action. To whom Authorised/Amount Authorised: Mother and Sole Legatee - Margaret J. £3 8s. 2d.

UK, WW1 Pension Ledgers and Index Cards, 1914-1923: card(s) exist for Henry.

A short biography of Henry is included in: ‘Barnoldswick – A small Town’s part in conflicts 1800 to 2014’ by Peter Ian Thompson (2014).

Data Source: Craven’s Part in the Great War - original CPGW book entry

View Entry in CPGW Book

Entry in West Yorkshire Pioneer Illustrated War Record:

THORNTON, Rifleman Harry, aged 20 years, K.R.R., son of Mr. W.H. Thornton, Essex Street, [Barnoldswick], died in hospital in France April 30, 1916, from wounds received in action.


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Rifleman Henry THORNTON

Rifleman Henry THORNTON

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: King’s Royal Rifle Corps

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: King’s Royal Rifle Corps

Divisional Sign / Service Insignia: 2nd Division

Divisional Sign / Service Insignia: 2nd Division

Data from Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 - 1919 Records

Soldiers Died Data for Soldier Records


Forename(s): Henry

Born: Nelson, Lancs

Residence: Barnoldswick, Yorks

Enlisted: Keighley

Number: R/12813

Rank: Rifleman

Regiment: King's Royal Rifle Corps

Battalion: 1st Battalion


Died Date: 29/04/16

Died How: Killed in action

Theatre of War: France & Flanders


Data from Commonwealth War Graves Commission Records

CWGC Data for Soldier Records


Forename(s): H

Country of Service: United Kingdom

Service Number: R/12813

Rank: Rifleman

Regiment: King's Royal Rifle Corps

Unit: 1st Bn.



Died Date: 29/04/1916

Additional Information:


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Additional Photo(s) For Soldier Records

'West Yorkshire Pioneer and East Lancashire News'

'West Yorkshire Pioneer and East Lancashire News'

Henry Thornton

Rifleman Henry Thornton

Rifleman Henry Thornton

Courtesy of Paula Ann Payne (née Bailey), Barnoldswick

Field Medical Card

Field Medical Card

Courtesy of Mark Hilton, Barnoldswick

Memorial Card

Memorial Card

Courtesy of Mark Hilton, Barnoldswick

View Craven Herald Articles

View Craven Herald Articles

Craven Herald and Wensleydale Standard Logo

12 May 1916

THORNTON – Died of wounds received in action in France, April 30th, 1916, Rifleman Harry Thornton, 1st King’s Royal Rifles, aged 20, formerly of Essex Street, Barnoldswick.

12 May 1916


Mr. Wm. Henry Thornton, 11, Essex Street, received news from France of the death of his youngest son, Rifleman Harry Thornton, 1st King’s Royal Rifles, which took place on April 30th. Two days previously a nursing sister at the hospital of the 68th Field Ambulance wrote stating that he had been badly wounded in the abdomen and legs, and was going on as well as could be expected. In the second letter the Sister said he passed away quite peacefully, but was not conscious enough to leave any message.

Rifleman Thornton, who was only 20 years of age, joined the Army a year ago and was wounded at Loos in September last. After recuperating at a Manchester Hospital he returned to France a few days before Christmas. Before enlisting he was a weaver at Messrs. Edmondson and Co.’s, Calf Hall Shed.

12 May 1916

BARNOLDSWICK – Wounded in France

Rifleman Wm. Chadwick, of the King’s Royal Rifles, whose parents live at 11, Havre Park, Barnoldswick, is in hospital at Rouen suffering from shrapnel wound in the knee. He was a chum of Rifleman H. Thornton, whose death is reported in this issue.

View West Yorkshire Pioneer Articles

View West Yorkshire Pioneer Articles

West Yorkshire Pioneer Logo

12 May 1916


Mr. Wm. H. Thornton, 11, Essex Street, on Sunday received news from France of the death of his youngest son, Rifleman Henry Thornton, 1st King’s Royal Rifles, which took place on April 30th. Two days previously a nursing sister at the hospital of the 68th Field Ambulance wrote stating that he had been badly wounded in the abdomen and legs, and though very ill, was going on as well as could be expected. In the second letter the Sister said he passed away quite peacefully, but was not conscious enough to leave any message.

Rifleman Thornton, who was only 20 years of age, joined the Army a year ago and was wounded at Loos in September last. After recuperating at a Manchester Hospital he returned to France a few days before Christmas. Before enlisting he was a weaver at Messrs. Edmondson and Co.’s, Calf Hall Shed.

Corporal Charles Luff, 9th Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, who has been officially reported killed in action in France, formerly resided in Turner Street, Barnoldswick. He was 22 years of age, married and leaves a wife and one child now residing in Gargrave. Before enlistment he was connected with the Independent Methodist Church, and was employed as a weaver at Messrs. J. Windle and Sons, Wellhouse Mill.

22 March 1918


Killed After Returning From Leave

News of the death under particularly sad circumstances Pte. Rennie Thornton (Glasgow Highlanders) was received last week-end. He was the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Thornton, 14, School Terrace, Barnoldswick, whose other son (Rifleman Harry Thornton) was killed in France two years ago. Pte. Thornton only returned to France after 14 days’ leave on the 1st March, and had not been more than a week up the line when he met his death. He was 26 years of age and married, his wife residing with her parents at 24, Lower East Avenue. He had spend nine months in France as a stretcher-bearer, and had been previously wounded. The sad news was conveyed to the stricken family in a letter from the chaplain, who wrote:– “Your husband was in the line on Thursday night when a shell struck his ' bivi,' and four out of the five in it were instantly killed. He suffered no pain, you can be sure of that – and it means not a little that he was spared the terrible suffering so many have. We buried him to-day (Saturday) four miles further back in a quiet cemetery.

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