18 August 1916
KETTLEWELL – July 28th, killed in action in France, Private James Kettlewell, Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, son of Mrs. Kettlewell, Thornton Cottages, Burton-in-Lonsdale aged 24 years.
18 August 1916
Mrs. Kettlewell, Thornton Cottages, Burton-in-Lonsdale, has received sad news concerning her two soldier sons, both of whom were attached to the Duke of Wellington’s Regiment.
On Monday she received intimation from York that her son, James, had been killed in action on July 28th. Deceased was 24 years of age and a fine and promising young man, standing over 6 feet in height. For eleven years he resided with Mr. Slinger, Station Inn, Ribblehead, and for four years before enlisting in November 1914 he was employed on the Midland Railway. He had been in France since September last and was wounded at Loos. The letter written by him on the day he was killed was received by his mother before the official letter intimating his death.
On Friday last Private Carr Kettlewell, elder brother of the deceased, was wounded in the back and left shoulder with shrapnel, and is now in the Westminster Hospital, London.
Much sympathy is expressed with Mrs. Kettlewell – herself an invalid – in her trouble.
The family are well known, the father, the late Mr. Thomas Kettlewell, having for many years kept the Oddfellows’ Arms, Westhouse.
25 August 1916
Mrs. Kettlewell, Thornton Cottages, Burton-in-Lonsdale, has received the following letter regarding the death of her son James (as reported last week) from Pte. E. Rhodes, 15 Platoon, ‘D’ Co., 10th Battalion, Duke of Wellington’s Regiment:– “It is with deep regret that I have to inform you of the death of your son, Pte. James Kettlewell. He was killed by a shell on the 28th ult. whilst going into action, but I can safely say that death was instantaneous and that he suffered no pain and was laid to rest in the British soldier’s cemetery in a village where he met his death. I had not known him long only being drafted to this Battalion a few months. I was his partner and was at his side when the shell burst. He was a gallant soldier and always ready to help the wounded when called and there is no one feels the loss of so true a pal as I do. He had a good name, both from officers and men of the Regiment, and it came as a shock when I informed them of his death, but, you can always rest assured, he was a true soldier and knew no danger where duty called him. He was a stretcher-bearer and was recommended only recently for his gallant conduct and was made Lance-Corporal the night previous to going into action. The men and officers join in deepest sympathy on the loss of so worthy a pal.”
On Sunday afternoon a service was held at All Saint’s Church in memory of the late Pte. James Kettlewell, Duke of Wellington’s Regiment. The muffled peals of the bells and the floating of the flag at half-mast accorded well with the solemn occasion. A very large congregation assembled, including all the available members of the family of the deceased. The service, conducted by the Vicar (Rev. R. Stowell), included a touching address in which the love of the deceased towards his widowed mother and to his motherland was emphasised. Not the least solemn part of the service was the empty bier covered with the Union Jack. A collection in aid of a permanent memorial to Burton soldiers was made and the service concluded with the Dead March in ‘Saul’.
15 December 1915
BURTON-IN-LONSDALE – Tribute to a Burton Hero
Pte. Harold Skeats, Duke of Wellington’s, writing to the Vicar from France, says:– “I came across a lad out here of the ----- Battalion who knew James Kettlewell very well. He said that if ever anyone earned the V.C. it was Jim. He worked like a Trojan for the wounded, and his death was a great loss to his companions.”
27 July 1917
KETTLEWELL – In loving memory of Pte. James Kettlewell, killed in action in France on July 28th 1916, aged 24 years.
Sleep on, dear friend, in a soldier’s grave,
Your life for your country you nobly gave,
No loved ones near you to say Goodbye,
But in God’s keeping now safe you lie.
Thy voice is now silent, the hearth is now cold,
Where thy smile and thy welcome oft met us of old;
We miss thee and mourn thee in silence unseen,
And dwell in the memories of days that have been.
Alice and Mary, Ribblehead.
22 February 1918
A memorial service for Ingleton men who have fallen in the war was held in St. Mary’s Church on Sunday evening. There was a large congregation, and the service was of an impressive character. The Union Jack was hoisted half-mast on the tower during the day. At the commencement of the service the organist, Mr. C. Bentham, played ‘O rest in the Lord’, and at the conclusion the Dead March in ‘Saul’, 'How bright these glorious spirits shine’, and other hymns appropriate to the occasion were sung, as was also the National Anthem. Standing on the Chancel steps, Bugler J. Robinson sounded the ‘Last Post’, and its solemn and eerie notes reverberated along the aisles.
Before commencing his address, the vicar, the Rev. D. T. Davies, read out the list of those who had fallen, as follows:–
Killed in action: Second-Lieutenant G. Kirk, Sergeant J. Metcalfe, Privates A. Noble, G. Scholey, C. Tomlinson, J. Smith, W. A. Hodgson, J. W. Wadeson, J. W. Robinson, J. Clapham, W. Smith, J. Schofield, J. Kettlewell, W. Marklew, E. Askew, P. Fletcher, G. Metcalfe, A. M. Booth, J. Woodhouse, W. Bolton, and J. [W.H.W.] Wilson.
Died in hospital: Privates W. H. Wignall and C. Newsholme.
Torpedoed: C. Grant.
Missing; Sergeant R. E. Walker, Privates A. Sherwin, W. Northey, E. Robinson, J. Saul, and W. [J.C.] Bradford.
The Vicar, speaking from the words, ‘Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends’, said that the occasion brought them face in face with a question that was momentous to everyone, and the list which he had just read made them pause and ask the question, “Is the cause for which we are fighting of such a nature that these sacrifices are necessary?” They must remind themselves of the causes which led to the war. Our honour was pledged to protect a small country from an oppressing wrong, and we were compelled to stand by them. They were standing to protect a weak country from a fearful wrong committed by one of the strongest nations in the world – from a military point of view the strongest – a nation that was steadily prospering year after year and which had been training its manhood to satisfy its mad ambition for power. It was becoming clear, especially during the last few weeks, that the dominant note running through their proposals had been their determination that might should conquer over right, and that they would rule as masters over the whole world. When they analysed the causes they saw that the principles of justice and righteousness were struggling against oppression and wrong-doing. They had seen an attempt to impose injustice on the whole world, to impose the doctrine that might is right and mercy unknown by the will of one man, and to sweep away religion, man’s guidance, in a moment.
03 September 1920
1914-15 Star
Mrs. Kettlewell, Thornton Cottages, has received the 1914-15 Star and ribbon due to her son, Lance-Corporal James Kettlewell, West Riding Regiment, who was killed on the Somme on July 28th, 1916. He was the first to volunteer from the Ribblehead district upon the outbreak of war.
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