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Forename(s): Thomas

Place of Birth: Yeadon, Yorkshire

Service No: 2758

Rank: Private

Regiment / Corps / Service: Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment)

Battalion / Unit: 'A' Coy 1/6th Battalion

Division: 49th (West Riding) Division

Age: 23

Date of Death: 1915-12-02

Awards: ---

CWGC Grave / Memorial Reference: IV. G. 2.


CWGC Memorial: ---

Non-CWGC Burial: ---


Additional Information:

Thomas Fitzsimons was the son of Catherine Fitzsimons (born Battertown, Co. Meath, Ireland, 29 June 1867), daughter of Thomas Fitzsimons.

1911 Steeton, Yorkshire Census: 5, Station View - Thomas Fitzsimons, aged 18 years, born Yeadon, Yorkshire, son of Catherine and stepson of Smith Palfreeman. [Catherine had married Smith in 1905.]

The British Army Service Record for Thomas Fitzsimons exists but may be incomplete.

British Army WW1 Medal Rolls Index Cards: Pte Thomas Fitzsimmons, 2958; 6/2758, W. Rid. R. Theatre of War first served in: (1) France. Date of entry therein: 29.6.15. K. in A. 2.12.15. See Fitzsimons. Thos. Identical.

British Army WW1 Medal Rolls Index Cards: Pte Thomas Fitzsimons, 6/2758, W. Riding Rgt. Theatre of War first Served in ( - ). Date of entry therein: ( - ). See Fitzsimmons. Thos. Identical.

British Army WW1 Medal and Award Rolls: Pte Thomas Fitzsimons, 6/2758, 1/6 W. Rid. R. K. in A. 2.12.15.

Army Registers of Soldiers' Effects: Pte Thomas Fitzsimmons, 2758, 1/6th Bn West Riding Regt. Date and Place of Death: 2.12.15. In action. To whom Authorised/Amount Authorised: Mother and Sole Legatee - Catherine Palfreeman. £5 10s. 3d.

UK, WW1 Pension Ledgers and Index Cards, 1914-1923: card(s) exist for Thomas. Name(s) on card(s): Dependant: Mrs Catherine Palfreeman. Relationship to soldier: Mother. Address: 5, Station View, Steeton, Nr Keighley.

See also: ‘Guiseley Terriers: A Small Part in The Great War – A History of the 1/6th Battalion, Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding) Regiment’ by Stephen Barber (2018).

Data Source: Craven’s Part in the Great War - original CPGW book entry

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Entry in West Yorkshire Pioneer Illustrated War Record:

FITZSIMONS, Thos., aged 23, 6th West Riding Regiment, son of Mrs. Fitzsimons, Station View, Steeton, killed by a rifle bullet.


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Private Thomas FITZSIMONS

Private Thomas FITZSIMONS

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment)

Regiment / Corps / Service Badge: Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment)

Divisional Sign / Service Insignia: 49th (West Riding) Division

Divisional Sign / Service Insignia: 49th (West Riding) Division

Data from Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914 - 1919 Records

Soldiers Died Data for Soldier Records


Forename(s): Thomas



Enlisted: Keighley, Yorks

Number: 2758

Rank: Private

Regiment: Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment)

Battalion: 1/6th Battalion


Died Date: 02/12/15

Died How: Killed in action

Theatre of War: France & Flanders


Data from Commonwealth War Graves Commission Records

CWGC Data for Soldier Records


Forename(s): Thomas

Country of Service: United Kingdom

Service Number: 2758

Rank: Private

Regiment: Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment)

Unit: 1st/6th Bn.

Age: 23


Died Date: 02/12/1915

Additional Information: Son of Mrs. Catherine Palfreeman (formerly Fitzsimons), of 5, Station View, Steeton, Keighley. (CWGC Headstone Personal Inscription: REST IN PEACE)

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War Diary of the 1/6th Battalion Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment)


TRENCHES [Ypres Salient]. Casualties: 5.10 p.m. No.2758 Pte Fitzsimmons [sic], T. ‘A’ Coy. Killed by rifle bullet, head, extreme left of F32. [One other man killed and two wounded.]

England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1995


PALFREEMAM Catherine of 5 Station-view Steeton near Keighley Yorkshire widow died 29 December 1944 Probate Llandudno 26 January to John Duncan Smith secretary and Richard Holmes woolsorter. Effects £415 7s. 8d.

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Talana Farm Cemetery

Talana Farm Cemetery

CWGC Headstone

Courtesy of Aurel Sercu, Boezinge, Belgium

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Craven Herald and Wensleydale Standard Logo

05 November 1915


In a letter to his parents, Pte. W. H. Teale, 9th Battalion Duke Wellington’s, described and expressed the pleasure it gave to those present at a gathering of Steeton soldiers at a town behind the firing line “Somewhere in France.” The party included, in addition to Private Teale, Privates Tom Fitzimmons, Prince Dawson, Robert Anderson, G. Stott, and Tom Roberts, along with a trio of Steeton soldier brothers – Privates Willie Dove, Jim Dove, and Matthew Dove, the two last-named being in the Northumberland Fusiliers. The first-named five were several years’ ago prominent players in the Steeton Association football team and are now figuring in the ‘greater game.’ Privates W. Dove, Dawson, and Fitzimmons are with the 6th Battalion (Territorials), and the remainder of the party are ‘Kitchener’s Boys.’ It had been expected that a trio of Steetonians from the 10th Battalion of the ‘Dukes’ should be present, but the ‘Huns’ claimed their respectful attention.

10 December 1915


Another brave Steeton lad has laid down his life for his country in the person of Private Tom Fitzsimmons, of the 1/6th Duke of Wellington’s, the sad news being conveyed through a letter to his parents, whose only son he was, and who reside at Station View, Steeton.

Second-Lieut. Holland, in conveying the news stated:– “I am very sorry indeed to have to tell you of the death of your son yesterday (Friday, December 3rd). He was killed by a rifle bullet whilst on duty with a machine gun section in the front firing line trench. I know what a shock this news will be to you. I am afraid I can offer to you no consolation. You have my deepest sympathy in your trouble, as have all those whose dear ones fall in this terrible war. Your son was given a quiet burial this morning, (Saturday, December 4th) in a little cemetery about a mile behind the firing line, with the other fallen heroes, who are now with God in a place where there is no more war. I pray that God will give you strength to bear up bravely in your affliction. Your son’s personal effects will be forwarded to you in due course.”

Private Fitzsimmons, who was 23 years of age, enlisted in September, 1914, and went out to France during the last summer. Keen of outdoor sports, deceased was a very prominent football player in the Keighley and District League, assisting first the Steeton C.L.B. Club, and then the Steeton and Keighley St. Ann’s Clubs to reach the final ties of the Keighley Charity Cup Competition, and he was one of the eight Steeton soldiers of different battalions now in France who re-united behind the firing line a few weeks back.

17 December 1915

FITZSIMONS–December 2nd, killed in action in Belgium, in his 24th year, Private Thomas Fitzsimons, 1/6th Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, only son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Palframan, Station View, Steeton.

17 December 1915


A service in memory of Private Thomas Fitzsimmons, 6th Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, whose death was reported last week, was held at St. Stephen’s Church on Sunday afternoon. The vicar, Rev. W. Seelly, conducted the service, which was largely attended by relatives and former friends of the fallen soldier, who was, previous to reaching the age limit, a member of the Steeton St. Stephen’s Company of the Church Lads’ Brigade, and also a Sunday School scholar at St. Stephen’s.

During the past week further details as to how the late Private Thomas Fitzsimmons met his death are to hand. Writing to the fallen hero’s mother, Lance-Corporal Wallbank, of the Machine Gun Section to which the deceased soldier was attached, says:– “I write these few lines to express my deepest sympathy at the loss of your dear son Tom. I can assure you, his death was instantaneous and he died with a smile on his lips. Do not grieve, as he is with God in a place where there is no more tears or sadness. He has paid the price his country demanded, and he did it with a good heart, and let this help you to bear the loss. He had been with my section ever since he joined the Machine Gun Section, and he kept us all alive and cheerful with his wit. He was always bright and cheerful whenever or whatever he had to do, and always did it with a cheerful spirit. It was about six o’clock on Thursday night, December 2nd, that his death occurred. We were mounting our gun and he was shot in the neck with a bullet from the German lines. I will see that you get all his personal belongings as soon as possible. You have the sympathy of all the Machine Gun Section and also my own.”

15 September 1916


The quarterly meeting of the Craven and District Village Institutes’ Association was held at the Steeton Mechanics’ Institute on Saturday afternoon, under the chairmanship of the Rev. A.C. Blunt, of Gargrave, the newly-appointed president for the ensuing year. Delegates were present from Gargrave, Oakworth, Cross Roads, Kildwick, Steeton, Cononley, and Gisburn.

Mr. Alfred Stell, president of the Seeton Institute, extended a cordial welcome to the new president and the delegates…

Appreciative Letter from the Trenches

The Secretary (Mr. J. Holdsworth) next read the following letter from Captain Cedric F. Horsfall, the late president, written from the trenches in France:–“Many thanks for your letter which I received a few days ago in the front trenches. You have, of course, done quite right in electing another president, and just as I should have wished you to do. I feel as though I have been of little or no use during my two years of office, owing to the circumstances over which I have had no control. After the war I assure you and your Association that you shall have my active support, as I know there is much scope for your work, especially after this war, and when unavoidably the home ties of many of the men will be weakened. I can see some difficulty in preventing wholesale emigration from our villages to the towns and the colonies, and every inducement will be required to keep them in the villages. I think the Institutes might do much to meet this need. I wish you to convey to your Committee my sincerest thanks for the honour they have done to me in allowing me to keep the position of president during these two eventful years. I wish you every success in your work in the future and I am sure that you will get much valuable advice and assistance from your new president, Mr. Blunt. I hope it is not out of place if I add a word of admiration of the men in this Battalion, many of whom come from our villages, and most of whom have been members of the various Institutes. They have not had an easy time lately, but they seem to thrive on work and do it with a good heart, and shelling hardly disturbs them at all.”


Mr. W.J. Johns, of Oakworth, moved that the Association express its sincerest sympathy with the village of Steeton in the great sacrifice that it had been called upon to make in the prosecution of the war. Mr. Weatherall, of Cononley, having seconded.

The Secretary read a list of the Steeton men who have been killed and wounded as follows:–

Killed – W. Dawes, Herbert Dove, Prince Dawson, Wm. Brooksbank, James Dove, Fred T. Ellison, Spencer Cliff (missing), Joseph Hales, Ewart Myers, Thos. Fitzsimmons, Wm. Robson, Thos. Robson, Arthur Smith, Wm. A. Teale, Richard Nicholson, Norman Waterhouse, Clarence Wilson, J. Nelson, Wm. Naylor.

Wounded – John Brooksbank, Wm. Brayshaw, Matthew Dove, Robert Anderson, Percy Race, Fred Baldwin, Fred Greenwood, Frank Throup, Ernest Cooper, Robert Williams.

The Secretary added that many of the wounded men were back in the trenches again, and it was also stated that several of the soldiers had been members of the Steeton Institute.

The resolution of sympathy was carried by the delegates rising in their places…

01 December 1916

FITZSIMMONS – In loving memory of Pte. Thomas Fitzsimmons, 1/6th Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, killed in action in Belgium, December 2nd 1915 in his 24th year.

A loving son a faithful friend,
One of the best that God could lend.
He nobly answered duty’s call,
His life he gave for one and all,
But the unknown grave is the bitterest blow
None but a heart that’s torn with sorrow can know.

From his Mother for her only child.

12 January 1917


Happily there has during the closing months of the past year been few casualties amongst Steeton’s soldiers to report. Since the commencement of the war the following well-known local soldiers who have been residents in the village have given their lives for the cause of right and humanity.–Arthur Smith, Willaim Dawes, Herbert Dove, Thomas Robson, James Walker (died in training period), Willie Brooksbank, Ewart Myers, Thomas Fitzsimons, Prince Dawson, Fred Ellison, R. Nicholson, W.H. Teale, William Naylor, William Robson, Joseph Hale, Clarence Wilson, Mathias Dove, James Dove, John Nelson, whilst to add to the above are the names of Spencer Cliff missing since the ever-to-be-remembered landing at Suvla Bay in August, 1915, and Wright Cockshott who has been included in the list of those missing since the early autumn of 1916. Several soldiers whose occupations necessitated residence in the village previous to the war have ‘made the sacrifice’ but are not included in the list.

05 December 1919

FITZSIMONS – In ever loving memory of my dear son, Private Thomas Fitzsimons, 1/6th Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, killed in action in Belgium, December 2nd, 1915.

“Though death divides, still memory clings.”

From his ever loving Mother.

26 November 1920

STEETON – War Memorial Token

Included amongst the floral tributes placed at the base of the Steeton War Memorial on October 30th was one in remembrance of Thomas Fitzsimon, from his mother and stepfather.

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13 November 1914


Up to date there are now 30 Steeton men who are either serving as regulars, Kitchener’s men or Territorials, who have all volunteered for foreign service. This is considered a fairly good percentage for so small a village, but more men are wanted, and no doubt more will respond to the urgent appeal of Lord Kitchener. The roll of honour is as follows:–

Officers: Charles M. Bateman, Sam H. Clough, Hugh Dixon, Will Clough.

Privates: James Anderson, Willie Barber, John Brooksbank, Colin Casson, Wm. Coppack, Prince Dawson, Fred Ellison, Fred Greenwood (wounded but returned to his regiment), Tom Roberts, Wesley Shone, William Wademan, John Wilson, Alfred Metcalfe, John Peake, William Naylor, Herbert Pickles, Arthur Lee (wounded), James O’Hara, Harry J. Mason. Robert Anderson, Willie Brayshaw, Harold Brooksbank, Spencer Cliffe, Wm. Dove, Tom Fitzsimons, Edgar Geldard (wounded), Tom Moyle, George Stott, Cyril Race, Wm. Henry Teale, John W. Wardman, Archie Metcalfe, Arthur Smith (killed in action), James Walker, Fred Haggas, Cuthbert L. Clarke, Frank Jones, Christopher Walton, Thos. Hinkley, Joseph Jackson (wounded), Thomas Robson, Alfred Taylor, Frank Taylor, Harry Sayers, James Jackson, Clifford Cockshott.

10 December 1915

DEATH OF STEETON SOLDIER IN FRANCE – The following letter was received on Wednesday morning by Mrs. Fitzsimons, Station View, Steeton, from Second Lieutenant Holland, 1/6th Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment:– “I am very sorry indeed to have to tell you of the death of your son yesterday (December 3rd). He was killed by a rifle bullet while on duty with the machine gun section in the front line trench. I know what a shock this news will be to you. I am afraid I can offer no consolation to you. You have my deepest sympathy in your trouble, as have all those who have fallen in this terrible war. He was given a quiet burial this morning in a little cemetery about a mile behind the firing line, with the other fallen heroes who are now with God, in a place where there is no more war. I pray that God will give you strength to bear up bravely in your affliction. Your son’s personal effects will be forwarded in due course.” Pte. Thos Fitzsimons, who was only 23 years of age, joined the army in September following the outbreak of war, and went out to France last July. Formerly he was a member of St. Stephen’s Company of the Church Lads’ Brigade. He was well known in local football circles, being a prominent member of the Steeton and St. Anne’s (Keighley) Association football teams.

17 December 1915



A memorial service for the late Private Thomas Fitzsimons, who was killed in action in France last week, was held at St. Stephen’s Church last Sunday afternoon. There was a large congregation present, and the service was conducted by Rev. W. Seeley. The special music rendered by the organist (Mr. Arthur Mosley) was ‘O rest in the Lord’ and the ‘Dead March’.

The following letter has been received this week by the parents of Pte. Thomas Fitzsimons:– “I write these few lines to express my deepest sympathy at the loss of your dear son. I can assure you his death was instantaneous; he died with a smile on his lips. Don’t grieve or upset yourself, as he is with God in a place where there is no more tears or sadness. He has paid the price his country demanded, and he did it with a good heart, and let this help you to bear the loss. He has been with my section ever since he joined the Machine Gun Section, and he kept us all alive and cheerful with his wit; he was always bright and cheerful whenever or whatever he had to do, and always did it in a cheerful spirit. It was about six o’clock on Thursday night, December 2nd that his death occurred. We were mounting a gun, and he was struck in the neck with a bullet from the German lines. I will see that you get all his personal belongings. Believe me you have all the Machine Gun Section’s deepest sympathy. – Yours truly, Lance Corporal Wallbank, 1st 6th Duke of Wellington’s.”

24 December 1915


Pte. Thomas Fitzsimons, 6th West Riding (Duke of Wellington’s) Regiment, son of Mrs. Fitzsimons, Station View, Steeton, killed by a rifle bullet. He was 23 years of age and well known in local football circles.

30 November 1917

In loving memory of Thomas Fitzsimons, who was killed in action in Belgium on December 2nd, 1915.

Who could have fired that horrid shot
On owe we loved so well;
We never knew the pain he bore,
No mortal tongue can tell.
A lonely grave in a far-off land,
A grave we may newer see;
But, Thomas, while life and memory last
We will fondly remember thee.

– From his loving Aunt and Cousins, 27, Reginald Street, Colne.

07 December 1917

In loving memory of my dear son, Private Thomas Fitzsimons, who was killed in action Dec. 2nd, 1915, buried Talana Farm, Ypres, Belgium.

There is a lonely grave in Ypres
Where a brave young hero sleeps;
There’s a cottage home in England
Where his dear mother sits and weeps,
Although he sleeps across the sea,
Taking his well-earned rest,
He lives for ever in the hearts
Of those who loved him best.

– From his loving Mother for her only one.

29 November 1918

In ever loving memory of a dear son, Private Thomas Fitzsimons, 1st 6th West Riding Regiment, killed in action in Belgium, Dec. 2nd, 1915, in his 24th year.

Far away from his home and loved ones,
Laid to rest in a far off land;
Some time our eyes, will behold him,
Some day when we clasp hand in hand.
Only a British soldier, a mother’s only son,
For home and King and country;
He nobly fought and died.

– Deeply mourned by his sorrowing Mother for her only child.

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